Thursday, October 13, 2016

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and no faint. 
Isaiah 40:31

If you've ever flown, you know that weight is important. The number of your belongings and size and weight determines your luggage fee. The fuel for the plane is measured in pounds not gallons. Everything that goes on that plane is measured by its weight. Why? Because planes are designed with a weight limit. If you exceed that limit the plane will have a difficult time getting off the ground...or won't leave the ground at all. Many of planes and helicopters have crashed due to being overloaded. 

The same is true with us. We all have a weight limit....we can only carry so many burdens, responsibilities and deal with crises at one time. If too many of these things are happening in our life we could potentially crash mentally, physically and spiritually. We often think we can do it all and carry all these things in our life and be a success. We can't and shouldn't even try it alone. 

We have One who can help carry our load and sustain us when the weight of life seems too heavy to bear. God waits for us to call on Him for help. When we are prepared to open our life to His help, He gently steps in and pushes up the load off your life and sustains you through the most violent of life storms. Nothing is too heavy for Him. 

Are you soaring with Him today OR are you in a nose dive and about to crash? Call upon the Lord for help...He will sustain you so you can fly unhindered like an eagle. Fly and be free in the Lord today and experience a life with the best co-pilot in the industry of life. Have a blessed day! ‎

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