Sunday, October 9, 2016

For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12

When you look at a clock on the wall, you know what time it is. Did you ever think about what's necessary for that clock to keep time? Inside are many moving parts...small wheels interconnected that move as long as it's power source remains constant. If one of those wheels breaks or the power runs dead, the clock immediately is out of sync and will no longer provide the correct time. 

This is so true for Christians. As believers in Jesus Christ, we are part of His body. God has specific plans for your life to work together with fellow believers. We work together in ministry, worship, tithing, and as Godly families. If we lose our focus or enthusiasm to serve Him, we make the entire body of Christ out of sync. Our weaknesses or selfish desires can hinder the effectiveness in the ministry of our home church, bible study group or family. 

Families need to keep God their main source of power to ensure they can uphold their Godly responsibilities as husband, wife and children. If one family member steps out of line, the entire family unit is out of sync with His plan for a Godly family. If a family is out of sync, they can affect other Christian families in their circle of influence. 

Whew! This is a lesson we all need to keep in front of us! 
Let's finish this up....1. Stay powered up with God! Pray, read your bible and take care of your health. 2. Fulfill your responsibilities as a family member and believer in Christ. 3. Stay connected with fellow believers...we all work together as different members but ONE body... get along with everyone. 4. Reset! If you find yourself out of sync, take time to reset your focus and get back on track. The body of Christ depends on you to keep working. Don't give up! God bless friends. ‎

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