Tuesday, October 25, 2016


So Jesus said to them, "Because of your unbelief, assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to the mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20‎

Hiking boots. These boots have trod over some very rough terrain in my life. Most of the memories have been out west, hiking in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Wyoming and trails in various states. What's special about these boots is they are light weight, have good traction and are water proof and insulated. If hiking is on the agenda, I can assure you these boots will be on my feet. 

Everyone of us will face mountains of trials and challenges that test our faith in God and belief that He is always there with us. We can encounter some very overwhelming circumstances that weigh so heavy on our heart...they push us backwards in our walk with the Lord. I can recall several times in my life where this was the case. Your mind runs 100 mph and you are constantly worn out from thinking through your challenge. Is God there? Does He hear my cries of desperation? 

Friend, you might be facing one of the tallest mountains in your life...or currently halfway up the mountain side and feel like giving up. Lace up your hiking boots of faith and put your complete trust, faith and belief in God that He is with you and will help you climb over this rocky terrain. 

When you surrender your problem to Him, He gives your feet a foothold so you aren't pushed back in your faith, He eases the burden so you aren't exhausted from the upward climb and most of all He protects you from the elements of the situation by loving you and providing a headge of protection throughout your journey. I can assure you, He is ALWAYS there with you every step of the way. 

It all boils down to belief in God that He is there with you and you are willing to put 100 percent of your trust in Him to sustain you through the entire trial facing your life. Do you have faith like a mustard seed? Trust Him today...He is faithful and loving, He will never leave nor forsake you. God bless friend!

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