Saturday, October 15, 2016

Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see God. Matthew 5:8
Anytime a precious metal is used for jewelry, it's heated to a point where it melts. During this process, impurities float to the top and are removed. Impurities weaken the metal's strength and lessen it's value. It takes time and effort to go through the purification process...but the end result is a beautiful piece of jewelry that will last a lifetime. 

The same is true for Christians. God is pure and righteous. He expects us to remove anything impure from our life. He knows that the world's ways and some of its pleasures and people will weaken our walk with Him and could be a stumbling block for others. 

As humans, we live in the flesh and our desires for impure things and pleasures can seem so inticing...that's why it's so important to always be ready to remove any unclean thing...anything that will lessen or weaken our journey with Jesus Christ. Let me say it again...remove ANY IMPURITY! It may be painful...but in the long run it will be worth it for there is great value in living a purified walk with God. 

The end result....we will be a stronger Christian and able to withstand the times when foreign objects and people try to invade and tarnish our life. Walk pure in the Lord and you shall see the face of God! Amen! Have a blessed day friend! ‎

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