Wednesday, October 26, 2016

He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps. Psalm 40:2

These rubber boots are very useful on rainy days. When I fed cows and it was raining I would wear these to keep my feet dry. Here in Georgia the clay can be very slick when wet and you'll slide around if not careful. I've seen many a rainy days in these boots.

As Christians we'll have those rainy days where things don't go our way and it seems like a dark cloud hovers overhead. That dark cloud is most likely Satan trying to dampen your spirits. He can do a good job at trying to discourage you and make you slide down in faith as you walk with the Lord. But do not fret, do not get depressed....above those rainy clouds is the Son of God. You may not be able to see His light...but it's there pushing through the storm clouds of adversity. 

The forecast called for sunny skies, but shortly after leaving home a big storm developed and turbulent times are approaching fast. What ya gonna do? Don those rubber boots and don't stop moving forward in life. God has a hold of your hand on the rainy days of life and He will keep you from falling if you simply keep your focus on Him in the storm. You might slide off course occasionally, but it's ok...God has some rocks up ahead for you to plant your feet to ensure solid footing. Be on the lookout for those stones of security. Before you know it the storm is almost over and sunny skies are crossing the valley heading straight for you. Keep moving in faith. 

Don't let the rainy days of life trouble you. God has a specific path laid out on rainy days. Look for the stepping stones and move toward the light. He'll get ya there in due time. Keep the faith, maintain focus and never loose hope in the One who has your hand!
 God bless friend.

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