Friday, October 28, 2016

He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked. 1 John 2:6

‎Beach them when walking in the ocean and on the beach. They provide stability while walking on the loose sand and protection from sharp shells and living creatures that bite (I've watched too many movies about Jaws). If I'm going to the beach, you can be assured these beach shoes are coming with me! 

As children of God, we are to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Our life should be a reflection of His life living inside the core of our being. Everything from our actions, words, compassion towards others and the way we raise our children should have the characteristics of Christ intertwined in our daily life. 

Walking in the footsteps of Jesus is not an easy path to follow. There might be times and events in your life where God has brought you and the path ahead looks uncertain, scary or impossible. Just like those beach shoes, God provides protection from the dangers along the path and He equips us with the strength, wisdom and the resources necessary to continue our journey as we follow in His footsteps. We must trust Him completely and obey as we take each step, for He has walked ahead of us ensuring our steps are safe and secure. Stepping outside of His footprints leaves us vulnerable to the dangers of the world. 

Has God called you to a place where you don't feel comfortable in following? If it's truly God's calling, then trust Him that He has prepared you for every step forward. You may not think you can do it....but God will provide what you need at the very moment. Trust Him as you step forward in faith. He loves you and it's backed by His Son's steps to the cross. No other act on earth can give you the assurance of trust than what He did for you on the cross 2000 years ago. Signed by Jesus blood...He has your every step covered. Trust Him today. God bless friend.

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