Sunday, October 23, 2016

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding. Proverbs 3:13
Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. Proverbs 3:17

I've heard it said..."gray hair is the sign of wisdom". Basically that means as a person ages, their life experiences and what they've learned along the way should make them smarter.  As a result, the decisions they make in life should be logical and right. It takes a while for a person to truly achieve a life of wisdom. Choices and decisions they've made will hopefully bring peace and stability to that individual. 

As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit of God living inside of us. No one is wiser than the creator of the universe. He loves you and wants your life molded into His image through years and years of trials and experiences that will give you wisdom. But, it takes time. Those trials and experiences maybe painful and may take away people, things, pleasures and habits from your life...but they have purpose to grow you, educate you and help you achieve Godly wisdom. As time goes by, your decisions and actions will reflect the characteristics of God. 

Maybe you are in the middle of a trying time in your life and choices need to be made...but you are floundering for direction. Call upon the Lord for wisdom and direction. He knows what's best for you and won't let you down. Hearing His voice requires much time in prayer...alone with God and blocking out any worldly influence. That also involves turning from sinful habits. God does not bless someone who purposefully walks in disobedience. 
Over time, God will give you the wisest answers to your difficulties or choices you face. Trusting in Him and being patient are the key components to receiving His wisdom. 

Wisdom and understanding can provide a life with more peace and joy...knowing your every action and decision is God honoring and backed with sound wisdom from the wisest teacher in the universe. Learn from Him and watch your life transform into a beautiful reflection of God. Have a blessed Sunday friend.

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