Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul. 1 Peter 2:11

Have you ever stayed at someone's house for a few day visit? Your host provided you a bed to sleep in and food at meal times. You probably marveled at the home furnishings....but you didn't remove them and take with you to your home...and there was probably some areas of the house you knew were "off limits". ‎

As Christians, we are like visitors to someone's home. Although it's not our home, we are welcome there during our brief stay. God blesses us with certain comforts, but some things are "off limits" in the world in which we live. Although they may look good to our fleshly eyes, we should avoid the temptation of going near them. They are the worlds...not ours as Children of God. 

God blesses us with spiritual furnishings in our life. If we focus on Him, we will see these beautiful blessings. As long as we are focused on worldly decor, we won't see the blessings and little miracles God performs daily in our life. 

God has a beautiful home waiting for you in Heaven. Nothing on this planet can compare to the unimaginable beauty that awaits us in paradise. Don't marvel at the world's pleasures...look to God for his everlasting gifts of peace, joy and comfort while visiting planet earth! It will make your stay in the world more tolerable and give you hope for the future! Have a blessed day in the Lord. ‎

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