Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save Me from this hour? But for this purpose I came to this hour. John 12:27‎

Purposeful living, it's the reason for our existence. Jesus knew His purpose, His reason for living...He was the sacrificial lamb who would die for mankind's sins. His soul was troubled, and for good reason. Without His death on the cross we would not have the relationship with God we can experience today. ‎

God calls His children to follow His will for their life. He has a plan for each of His followers, a purpose for living. Sometimes that purpose for living can lead one into a painful and even deadly situation. Only God knows the reason He allows some to suffer in this life. The painful death of a cancer victim, a horrific car wreck that takes the life of a young child or a person stricken with a disease that takes away their ability to walk. In the painful and most crushing of all circumstances, God's purpose for that moment will result in unseen blessings (just like Christ death on the cross)...but it still has a purpose...we have to trust in God that He is in control and lean on Him for strength and understanding. 

Maybe you or a loved one is in the middle of something so painful that nothing good can be found in this moment. If you trust and believe in God, know that He has a purpose for this moment. It might not result in a direct blessing for you...but He will use it for His glory and carry you through the situation. God is faithful, He is Him in this moment. God bless you! ‎

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