Thursday, October 6, 2016

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. John 14:3

Recall a time when you expected over night company. For a few days at least you probably spent time cleaning the house, changing the bedding and planned specific meals suitable for your special guest. It's some work to prepare for company, but the satisfaction in supplying a comfortable and restful place after their long journey makes it worth it. 

How true it is with our journey through life as a child of God. In this passage Jesus is telling His disciples that He will prepare a place in Heaven for each of them...and one day will receive them into paradise. Even God prepares for our arrival. This special place will bring joy to us and blessings to God for our pure worship to Him. 

If you are reading this blog, then clearly you haven't arrived at your final destination. As you continue your daily journey you will encounter hazards, obstructions and sometimes breakdowns of faith...but keep the course. Recall this verse knowing God has a special place of comfort, peace and joy just waiting for you. It's worth every struggle you face as you journey through this life. 

Stay on course and don't lose sight of your home in Heaven. Your compass, the Holy Spirit, will guide you there....keep the faith and trust in Him. God bless friends.

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