Saturday, October 8, 2016

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9

Last night I spoke to a teenage boy who attended an event held at my church. I noticed he was visibly upset so I stopped and inquired about his distress. He told me there was a special friend of his who was an atheist....she and her entire family didn't believe in God.  He cared for this young lady and it troubled him that she did not share in his belief in God. 

He and I, along with his parents, all huddled together in prayer. As I prayed, God spoke through me to say...don't give up! This young man's compassion for this girl's unbelief is known to God and He will work in the boy's life and testimony to eventually turn her life around and see there is a living God. Satan does a good job of blinding those outside of the faith so they don't see their errors and need of a Savior. I can tell you not one of the tears that boy shed went uncounted by God. 

Is there a special person in your life who is outside the faith? Your heart's compassion for this person is known to God. He tells us to never grow weary in doing good....witnessing to the lost. God cherishes our compassion to change the world, one soul at a time. Through prayer, obedient living and spiritual encouragement, God will use your enthusiasm and compassion the bring light to a darkened world. Never give up on the lost! God will reward your compassion for others. Have a blessed day friend. ‎

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