Sunday, October 2, 2016

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1

Yesterday I went to the "Cotton Picking Fair". This fair offers a variety of handmade crafts, food and activities for children. Thousands of people converge on this little town for the weekend. Historically, people who live along the major highways to this town, set up "yard sales" hoping to lure festival goers to stop and shop with them. As I drove down the road, I had to stop frequently for those who decided at the last minute to stop along the way. 

Isn't this true in our journey towards Heaven?  Satan, puts up these distractions...he offers yard sale pleasures, trying to divert us from the good stuff God offers us in life. Maybe it's an inappropriate relationship, gambling addiction, alcohol, drugs, spending unwisely....its an endless list of "special deals" Satan has for sale....just waiting for you to stop and take a gander at his flawed offerings. 

Friends...keep your focus on the route to glory. Nothing Satan has to offer will last. God hand crafted a special plan for your life with plentiful blessings along the way. When you look off to the side at Satan's yard sale miss opportunities God has for you just up ahead. Keep focussed, remain alert and never turn your head away from God. 

If you are currently walking around in Satan's sale of goods...RUN away from it now. Some deals might have a hold of you...pray to God to give you the strength to cut the persistent things or people that pursue you. God is greater than any deal Satan has to offer. He can and will help you if you completly surrender your life to Him. 

A hand crafted home in Heaven awaits you....keep on the righteous road and He will bless you. Have an awesome Sunday friends.

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