Monday, October 3, 2016

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18
Have you ever experienced a time in life when it seemed like everything was falling apart, your friends were distant and you were ready to just throw in the towel and give up? I think the majority of us have felt this way at one point in our life. 

As Christians, we have an enemy who is always on the attack. Satan's game plan is to discourage you and diminish the hope you have in Jesus Christ. He can use people or circumstances to attempt to squelch the joy in your heart. In the middle of your crisis or downfall you may question God's presenece...but I can assure you He is there...ready for you to surrender this moment of despiration to Him.

When we surrender, we are not giving up, but we say to God...I can't do this Lord...I need your help, your strength and your encouragement to get me through. He will step in and lift you from this brief moment of darkness and shine His light of love and Holy presence around you....the darkness will have no where to go but flee! 

We have an eternal home in Heaven with no pain, hurt and discouragement waiting for us...until that time we will encounter these moments of pain and suffering...but God is faithful and He will be there when we call on His name. If you are in that valley today, call on Him now. Pray on your knees and completly surrender your weaknesses and situatuation to Him. As you release it to Him, the Son will rise over the horizon and lift you up. Call on Him today. God bless.

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