Friday, October 14, 2016

Jesus said to him, "if you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes." Mark 9:23

 As a child one of the great mysteries was Santa Clause. I knew he brought special gifts one time of the year at Christmas and that somehow he always knew if I was good or bad....and that my behavior determined what quantity of gifts I would receive. As I got older, classmates would challenge my belief in Santa Clause and the pressure was real....eventually my conversations about him became less and less because others stopped believing and I didn't want to look like a fool. Later in life I learned that Santa was real in the hands of someone else. ‎

Do you believe in Jesus Christ? He was God in the flesh and lived on planet earth for 33 years...healing, teaching and displaying the characteristics of God through His sin-less life. His life ended on a cross, He was our "payment" for mankind's sin. All He ask of us is to believe in Him and live everyday under His guiding hand and biblical principles. 

As a believer of Jesus Christ and Child of God, our behavior never changes His mind about us...He still loves us and forgives us of our trespasses against His will for our life. Yes, we may suffer consequences of our decision to turn our back on Him...but He still cares for us and blesses us throughout the year...not just on one specific day. 

How can we believe in someone we can't see you ask? Once you accept Jesus Christ into your life, His Holy Spirit resides inside of you...always with you. Through prayer and biblical reading, He will speak to you. As you keep your focus on Him, you will see His presence in your daily life...more and more. The most noticable times I've seen His presence is when I'm in one of life's storms. When something seems to be overwhelming and I feel defeated...I call upon Him in my desperation and He responds. When I see wonderful things happen outside of my strength, I know it's Him working to sustain me. 

Do you believe in the risen savior, Jesus Christ? He is the only way to eternal life in Heaven. Trust, obey and believe in Him. He is real and ready to show you His loving presence in your life if you believe. Have a blessed day my friend. ‎

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