Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Ephesians 3:20

It seems all my life I've been challenged financially. If I get ahead, it is just for a brief moment then, wham, something breaks down or some unexpected bill comes that will take a few paychecks to payoff. But God has been faithful to meet my needs. I've always had the ability to pay my bills on time and have never missed a meal. God is good...ALL the time!!

Maybe you are struggling financially and there seems to be no end in sight to the financial mountain standing taller than you. Have faith in God that He will meet your basic needs! He promises to always supply us with the 
basics. I truly believe that he blesses us with what He knows we can manage. For some He blesses with many resources...and they manage it well. For others, he gives less. But the end result is properly managed blessings. 

Blessings dont come free. There is a cost...obedience to God. God blesses obedience. It's quite possible if your lack of blessings could be the result of your disobedient ways. Is God calling you in a certain direction and you are ignoring Him? Are you doing things in your life that is counter to what He says is appropriate? God uses our financial crises to get our attention. When the ole pocketbook is hit, we get flustered and need help. If we know what's right, we will obediently call upon the Lord for help and turn from our unrighteous actions. Which path are you taking...the right or wrong path? 

I remember one week when I was 4 days away from "payday" and all I had in my wallet was $20. I thought how in the world am I gonna make it. Then I remembered I had a full tank of gas in my truck and when I looked in my fridge it was full of food. I wept at that moment and thanked God for His blessings. That $20 stayed in my wallet for 2 weeks unspent. God blesses those who seek after Him. Friend, no matter how desperate your financial situation, God knows your burdens and your needs. He will make a way for Him and walk in faithful obedience. He will bless you! God bless!!

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