Tuesday, January 31, 2017

My little children, let us not love in word or in tounge, but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:18

Have you ever purchased a tool or gadget, only to secure it somewhere and not use it? Maybe for you ladies it was some clothing or shoes. We spend money on something and don't use it....over time we even forget we have it. It's a total waste to let it just sit and not be used as intended. 

The same is true with our walk with the Lord. Jesus Christ paid your sin debt so you can accept His free offer of salvation and live out your faith. "Live out" your faith, means doing. Doing what? Loving others, showing others the love of Christ through your actions of giving, forgiving, helping someone in need and comforting someone through a special visit and prayer. Living out your faith daily and putting aside your selfish ways to serve Christ is the only way to show genuine love for Him. 

Are you just carrying around your key to Heaven's gate, or are you doing the will of God by living in obedience and sharing the love and message of Jesus Christ with others? Don't let this precious gift of Salvation sit idle in your heart....live out your faith every day and He will reward you for your obedience. Live out your faith today! Have a blessed day!!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Wealth, gained by dishonesty will be diminished, But he who gathers by labor will increase. Proverbs 13:11

  If you are honest with yourself, you realize that God has blessed you with the things in your life, including a job. He provides the necessities for life and we should always be thankful for His rich blessings. For the majority though, people want "more". A new car, a new home, more clothes....its endless. 

Those additional things are good, if they are earned by honest gain and don't become an idol in our life. Some people become so fixated on obtaining more, that they work longer hours and away from family responsibilities, they might cheat on their taxes to protect some money or shortchange others in business dealings. There are so many illegal and imoral ways to gain money....this temptation is real for some people. You might be saying..."I don't do any of those". True, but evaluate your time...is it dominated in labor to gain more? Does it cut into a time of bible study or worshipping God? 

God will bless us with "more" as long as we steady and manage our time and keep a healthy balance between work, family time and communion with God. Getting more by short changing others will eventually result in loss....either through divorce, exhaustion, a wayward child or broken hearts of those who long time spent with you. Want more? Pray to God and ask, if it's His will...He will bless you. If it's not His will....accept what He has given you and be thankful. God has just the right portion provided you...be grateful and share in your wealth with others. It goes a long ways and God will bless you further than anything you could do on your own. Be a blessing to someone elese today....share God's blessings.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Lord upholds all who fall, And raises up all who are bowed down. Psalm 145:14

Have you ever fallen down and someone was there to help you up? Although you might not have needed their assistance, it was nice to have the extra help and special to receive someone's kindness. I know in my grandmother's case...when she falls....someone needs to be there to get her up again. Unfortunately as we age, falling down seems to occur more frequently. 

As Christians, we fall down in our relationship with God. New believers will trip and fall, but their newness of faith gets them back up quickly. As we mature in our faith, it seems like our stumbling has more effect on us. We feel the impact from our mistakes or bad things that happen to us in life. Is God there to pick you up? Scripture says He is. The Devil wants you to think otherwise. He wants you to stay down and become depressed. The devil knows a mature Christian is his greatest enemy so He uses all kinds of strongholds and life wrecking occurences to bring you down and keep you there. 

What's brought you down? Divorce, loss of a loved one, betrayed by someone you love, financial ruin, health issues....the list of Satan's tactics are long and powerful. BUT, the God you serve is greater than anything you encounter. Call to God for help. You weren't meant to stay down...push up from the bottom and keep your onGod and not your circumstances...He will lift you up and bring healing just when you need it the most. Call upon Him today. God bless.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Your word I have hidden in my heart,
That I might not sin against You. Psalm 119:11

When you pull up to the gas pump, what grade fuel do you select for your vehicle? For most it's the cheaper "regular" grade. Although it meets the minimum requirement for most vehicles, there is still something better..."premium" grade. Higher octane fuel makes your vehicle perform a little better...and many fuel companies have a special additive which is a bonus for your engine and performance. It's worth the extra $.

There is a similar concept we need to grasp.....what we feed our heart and mind. The quality of material we read and see affects our performance as God's children. Time spent surfing the net is usually wasted time on useless information and drama....when it could be spent on reading the bible or a devotional. Absorbing God's word into your mind helps recall His principles when faced with a decision. At that moment you can fall back on the things you've read to help make the best decisions for your life. I know there have been many times when I've faced a challenge or had to make a decision about something and scripture came to mind which helped guide me.

Gods word is a living document. It's survived Satan's attack for over 2000 years now and is still one of the best sellers. People yearn for the truth....as citizens living in a country blessed with freedom to worship, take time to study God's word, attend a church to help you grow and fellowship with other believers and see your spiritual life peform at its optimum and not just "getting by" on the regular stuff of this world. Which grade of material are you going to select? Have a blessed Saturday.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones. Proverbs 3: 7-8

Life. It's a minute by minute, day by day life of decisions and choices. Where we go, who we associate with, what we believe, what pleasures we pursue and what we do in the time we have available to us. The decisions are  endless. It's so easy to "fit in" with the world. I believe there any many today who go through life without knowing their purpose for existence...much less care about that or anything....just as long as life goes well, they are happy. 

For the child of God, there is so much more in store for us beyond this life. We have a purpose and a mission....a calling....to follow in the footsteps of Christ and walk in total obedience. The things of the world make sense and can be easily followed, but the righteous way deviates from the world's standards and ways. It's unique, and only followed by those who have a passion for Christ. The reward for the obedient child of God is an internal joy that sustains in the most difficult of circumstances, it's a peace that can smother any fear the devil can inflict and it's the love that overflows from the Christian's heart to those empty hearts around us....searching for everlasting contentment. 

Fearing the Lord is essentially a personal decision to accept that God's ways are better than the easy way of the world. Surrendering self for Christ's way is the most satisfying and rewarded life from now and into all eternity. Follow His ways and life will be full of blessings and eternal joy. Stay the course my friend. God bless.  

Thursday, January 26, 2017

But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one. 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Many people search out a companion whom they can trust and have faith in to always be there and never let them down. As humans, we can fail at providing that assurance of faith 24/7. When that happens, hearts are broken and we feel the painful "let down". 

Friend, there is One who will never let you down, will never leave you alone or turn His back on you....Jesus Christ proved His love for you through His sacrifice on the cross. As Christians, our pursuit for #1 shouldn't be in the flesh, but God first. If you truly seek after God and place Him first in your life, He will provide you the joy and confidence to face each day....even in the midst of human dissapointment. His love, His grace, His peace is enough. 

Seeking someone to trust in this world can be a challenge. Seek after the One who defined "faithful" and never let go of your hope and trust in Him. He loves you and wants to satisfy your soul with His generous blessings. Seek after Him today.  
God bless. ‎

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is no partiality. Colossians 3:25

Have you ever ran off the road, after it had rained, and as you come back on the pavement your tires leave a trail of muddy tracks behind you? We see evidence of this almost daily....and you ask yourself "I wonder what happened with that vehicle". ‎

Our Christian journey is no different. God provides a solid pathway for us to travel. The bible outlines biblical principles to steer us in the right direction and His Spirit to prompt us when necessary. Yet when we yield to sin, we step off that solid path into the muck momentarily. As we move back towards the path of righteousness....we leave behind a muddy trail. Our sins follow us, and God sees and knows our tresspasses. There is no way of hiding our sin from Him. 

Thankfully, we are loved by a God who is full of grace and quickly forgives us when we confess and center ourselves back on the pathway. The consequences of our sins are still there, and some sins will always leave a muddy trail behind us. Stay on the path of righteousness friend. It's safe, secure and meant to protect you and the lives impacted by the decisions you make. When you walk in obedience, you never have to worry about a sin trail behind you. 

Maybe you are facing a "little pleasure" that you know is wrong and in your mind is debating weather to go for it or turn from it. Who do you love? If you love God, you will turn from it and travel on solid ground. Stay the course and pursue the pathway of righteousness. God will reward your obedience. Blessings friend! ‎

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. Ephesians 2:13

Somewhere in the world is "the fountain of youth". A water so powerful, once consumed, it keeps that person looking a feeling young. Although some have claimed to find it....its still a mystery today and many continue to seek it. 

There is another fountain, the fountain of life....Jesus Christ blood. Over 2000 years ago this life sustaining fluid poured from His beaten and torn body, serving as a sacrifice  for the sins of mankind. As the last drop fell to the ground, His words said it all..."It is finished". Christ suffered and died, so you could live a life for all eternity with Him in heaven. 

The only thing He wants from us is to believe He paid for your sins, died and rose again on the third day. Once you believe and accept Jesus into your life, you live for Him daily as a child of God. It's nothing complicated....He made it easy...believe, accept and live. 

Have you found the fountain of life? If not, ask Him to come into your heart today. This life might be short, but eternity last forever. Have a blessed day friend. ‎

Monday, January 23, 2017

Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see God. Matthew 5:8. 

If you wear reading glasses you know it's a constant battle to keep the lenses clean so you can see clearly. As the day goes on and the glasses are worn, taken off, propped up on your head, then back on....smudges develop and the daily grime accumulates. But with one quick spray of cleaner and the lenses are spotless for a clear view again. 

Our lives are susceptible to the  daily grime and smudges of sin and worldly pursuits. Left unchecked, over time the muck of sin will blur your vision and focus on God. Keeping a clear view of God is important in the life of a Christian. Here are a few tips to keep the vision clear:

1. Start your day in prayer, asking God to keep you on the right path and ask Him for wisdom. 2. Determine before you leave home that anything God warns you about (behavior, conversation or thoughts), will be stopped or avoided all together. 3. Check your spiritual pulse throughout the day. Pray to God and ask for His forgiveness frequently. Accumulated sin becomes heavy and burdonsome. Ask for forgiveness and move on. 4. Thank God throughout the day. He sends little blessings to nourish your day for sustainment. He loves you and should be recognized for everything good that happens. 

The total sum of these tips equals awareness of God throughout the day and listening for His guiding voice. By making Him a part of your entire day, you will see Him more clearly and be blessed along your journey. Keep in step with Him....He longs for you to see Him. Have a blessed day. 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

     I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. Luke 15:7

Today's verse is at the conclusion of the parable of the lost sheep. A Sheppard oversees 100 sheep, when one goes missing, he leaves the 99 to find the 1 and brings him back to the fold rejoicing. Jesus is passionate about His children and finds it necessary to go after the one that's lost. 

As Christians, we too should share that same passion for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The world's pleasures and the lure Satan throws out there can easily distract and pull away a child of God. We see it too often today, as our church family members stray away from the truth. Does your heart have a burden for them? Do you see them walking towards danger? If so, your heart should prompt you to pray for them and have open ears to God's calling if He directs you to go and talk with them. God places certain people in our minds to create awareness of the need to pray and help them. 

Watching out for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ takes some effort on our part. We have to take time away from "self" and focus on others. Jesus has this passion....do you? Pray and ask Him to create a heart sensitive to fellow Christians and to see the needs. Then ask God to give you the courage and wisdom to reach out and help those who've strayed and bring them back to the fold of Christ. Reach out today...someone is lost and needs help finding their way to safety.
 Have a blessed Sunday friend.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:29

Does your life ever feel like a wrinkled garment? This happens and that happens and stress abounds in every aspect of your life....leaving you in a wrinkled mess! You wonder how long you can keep up with the daily challenges that face you from morning til night. 

Friend, hand yourself over to the one who can carry your weighted burdens, busy schedule and constant demands. God is like a hanger.....when we surrender the weight of our daily life to Him, He supports us and sustains us in the most difficult and challenging of days. Over time, our life conforms to His. Just like a sweater on a hanger...it conforms to the shape of its support. The more we hang our life on Him, we begin to reflect more of His image in our life....our confidence and joy restores and hope for each tomorrow comes with ease....knowing His support is enough to carry us through another day. 

Don't let life's weight throw you down to the ground like a worn sweater on the floor. Hang every aspect of your life on God and He will provide the support, encouragement and love you need to make it another Christ centered, Christ honored day. Hang on Him today....He is ready to support you. God bless.

Friday, January 20, 2017

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be! You have been grieved by various trials. 1 Peter 1:6

Speed bumps are probably one of the most annoying things you encounter while going down the road or in a parking lot. They are meant to slow down traffic flow to create an environment of safety for vehicles and pedestrians walking in the area. If speed bumps weren't present, traffic would move at a very fast and unsafe speed...end result...more accidents and someone getting injured. 

The trials we face in life are kind of like speed bumps. As Christians, when things are going good, we tend to pick up speed and forget about God and His warnings and sometimes drown out His silent voice with worldly pleasures. But, when conflict occurs and we realize our strength is no match, we quickly slow down and call on God for help. The end result, more focus on God and attentive to His voice...which should bring us back to a humbled spirit and growth in our relationship with Him. 

Maybe today you have encountered an unexpected speed bump...something you totally did not see coming, yet here it is and you feel overwhelmed and helpless. Call upon the Lord to help you in your moment of crises and lean on Him for support, love and confidence to move forward once again. In your process of slowing down, He has a message to share with you....seek it out and restore what's missing in your life with Him. 

God has a plan for your life. The intermittent speed bumps of life are meant to help you move at the right speed so God can bless you along the journey of life. Trust in Him when those events occur...He placed them there because He loves you and wants what's best. Stay focused and trust in His travel plans...good things are coming. God bless.  

Thursday, January 19, 2017

When my father and mother forsake me, Then the Lord will take care of me. Psalm 27:10

 Let down. It's an awful feeling when someone we love let's us down or disappoints us. Their actions might be justified, but leaving you alone or left to fend for yourself can be a hard pill to swallow. Even the death of your parents, can leave you in a flood of emotions and feeling of great loss. 

For the child of God, we have a loving Father who is always there, He will never die, get sick, let us down or be a burden to us. His love is like no other, it consumes every aspect of your life and is full of sweet grace through unconditional love. His spirit lives inside of every believer and is available to give you the wisest answer, lead you in the right direction and weave His miracles in your daily life to sustain you at the lowest and loneliest times. 

Have you suffered loss or been let down by the ones you have built your faith and trust? Fall into the arms of God and let Him watch over you. His hand is always reaching out to embrace yours....so often you don't see it when your head is down in disappointment. Look up to Him for eternal security, peace and confidence...He is your everlasting parent and Father. Call on Him today. God bless.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

The reality of life is we will have times when our heart is broken, our fears overwhelm us and sin will humble us after failing God. The world in which we live is most certainly fallen and, left to our own strength we can find ourselves defeated and lacking strength to face another day. As a child of God, we need to always remember that Jesus bore our sins, He took our punishment and every worldly attack so that we can have confidence to stand in the midst of pain, fear and failure. He already suffered these afflictions on your behalf, do not let them suffer on my friend. 

If you are feeling the pains of the world, release them to God. Through Jesus Christ, we have victory over sin....and Jesus has overcome the world. You do have hope for tomorrow and can walk in the strongest confidence knowing the One who paid your sin debt, lives inside you. Once we truly understand the strength that is available to us, we can face any challenge, recover when we fail God and heal from the most tragic of circumstances. 

"For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is victory that has overcome the world - our faith" 1 John 5:4. 

Friend, no longer feel defeated, you have victory in Jesus Christ. Walk forward in confidence today. God bless.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

For to be carnally minded is death. But to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:6

What's on your mind? What things and people do you long for....your passions and pursuits? Are they Godly or worldly? Your mind drives what you do. What you feed your mind with shapes your attitude and alters your belief system.

As scripture says, having a worldly mind set is death and certainly a lack of peace. The people you associate with, the places you go and what you do in private can affect your thoughts. If they aren't God approved, then you are quickly headed down the wrong path and in the end will destroy you. Nothing of this world will last forever.

Having a Godly mind set, keeps focus on God and recognizes His blessings. Pursuing Godly attributes brings peace into your life. Yes, you may find yourself in moments of turmoil, but having a mind linked to God, brings a peace like no other...even in the most fiercest storms.  

In a society saturated with worldly things and pleasures, it can be challenging to keep your focus on God. But if you want peace and eternal happiness...put aside your carnal thoughts and fill them with God's purity through scripture reading, prayer and removing the "world" from your life. Yes, you might have to give up some things you love...but the sacrafice will be worth it! What's on your mind? Keep it Christ centered today! God bless.

Monday, January 16, 2017

What shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Romans 8:31-32

For most of us,  we've encountered a time in life when it felt like everything and everyone was against us. Nothing we did seemed to work out and people we associate with seemed to do everything in their power to make life miserable. Ever felt that way? Maybe on occasion...maybe for some it's almost a daily occurrence.

Don't be discouraged. Our adversaries can seem unrelenting in their attacks, yet as Christians, we serve a God who is above every attack and He uses every experience to strengthen our faith...even when the chips are down and we are ready to give up. I've found that when the troubled times come, God is working behind the scenes, with a plan in hand, to grow you and help you overcome the nuicences of life. 

What's required from us? We must give up, or surrender, our battle to God and allow His wisdom, His peace, His forgiveness to consume us so we can come out victorious on the other side of our circumstance. Trust me, He went through the humiliation and painful death to bring you into His graces and acceptance as a child of God. He watches over His children. We just need to entrust it into His care.  What or who is consuming your energy and enthusiasm for life? Give it up to God and He will see you through. God bless friend.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

But your inequities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear. Isaiah 59:2

What if the only people God saw was His children as He gazes upon the world? What would He see? Would He see you? Would He see you walking in obedience or straying from your faith in Him? 

As children of God, it's our responsibility to live out our faith in all areas of our life....work, community, church and even when no one is watching. Our commitment to Him requires a total surrender of our selfish ways and avoid sin at all cost. Satan knows our weaknesses and will do everything He can to draw your attention from God's blessings to the honeycomb of the world. It may look good, it may taste good....but once partaken it hinders God's view of you. He will not approve of sin! 

From the beginning with Adam and Eve in the garden...He blessed them with a bountiful and beautiful place to live...yet commanded not to eat from 1 fruit tree. The fall of mankind happened when Adam and Eve turned from God's blessings and fell victim to temptation. If you are a child of God, He has provided you with abundant life and wants to bless you for obedient living. Turn from sin and walk towards Him daily. He's looking for obedient children.....can He see you?

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Can anyone hide himself in secret places, So I shall not see him? Says the Lord; do I not fill heaven and earth? Says the Lord. Jeremiah 23:24

Have you ever been to a new place? Yes you have the address and maybe written directions...but as you travel, you realize something isn't right. So you turn on your GPS navigation system to find your exact location and let it guide you to your intended destination. Until that GPS connects to satellites in the sky you have to wait til it gathers data and sends you on your way. ‎
I find in our Christian journey, we think we have an idea where we are going and we continue on our path...yet so often we don't stay connected to God. We trust in our own wisdom or selfish pursuits. Eventually we end up in trouble and cry for God's help. Thankfully He is always there waiting to establish an intimate connection once again. Until that has been established, we will continue to flounder and put ourselves at risk of being robbed by Satan in the "bad streets" of life. 
Don't leave your bed each day without establishing that contact with God. If you keep your ears and heart open, He will guide you around every roadblock and divert you away from danger that lurks all around you. Stay connected to God....he is just a prayer away. 
God bless. ‎

Friday, January 13, 2017

If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

Happy Friday the 13th. For some people the number 13 lined up with a Friday spells bad luck. Especially with a full moon occurring as I type this blog.  I'm sure there are some who fear even leaving their house today, worried something bad will occur. Thankfully we only have 2 months where 13 falls on Friday this year; January and October. ‎
For the believer in Christ, we have more than "luck" to hold on to. God promises to protect us from the toxic world in which we live. Yes, there will be those today who have something bad happen...it's because we live in a fallen world...a culture counter to Godly standards. But, God....He is in control and has a plan for each negative thing that happens in your life everyday...not just on Friday the 13th. 

The most important thing to remember is He is greater than any situation we face. Good or bad, it's part of His plan to grow you in more dependence upon Him. Rest assured He protects your soul once saved. Your earthly body might be destroyed, but eternal life will be much sweeter and trouble free than this life we live. 

So, if something bad happens today, don't blame it on Friday the 13th....trust God is working this negative event to bring a positive outcome in either your life or someone else's life. Keep the faith! God bless. ‎

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17


Whats the first thing you do when you have good news, are sick or just lonely? Most people pick up the phone and call someone. As humans we have a need to be heard and associate with other people. God designed us to stay in communication with people. Even the most diligent hermit will speak to someone in time.


God desires the same of us. As Christians we put our faith in God to see us through each day…minute by minute, hour by hour, day after day, week after week…into eternity. He LONGS to stay in constant communication with you. Prayer doesn’t have to always be kneeling or sitting down with eyes closed. You can carry on a constant conversation with Him throughout the day. If someone had a voice recorder attached to me for 24 hours, you’d think I was nuts…I am always talking to God. Whether it’s a praise for something even simple like a vacant parking spot or a positive conversation with one of my kids. In times of sickness or faced with a challenging situation I always ask God….what will He do to help me get through this moment.


When we stay in constant communication with God, we are more apt to follow His will and find life more meaningful. Our awareness of His blessings…big and small become so evident….I can’t tell you how much this sustains my faith in God just by truly “seeing” Him work in my life. Give it a try today to stay in constant communication with God. Ask for His help, seek Him in your day…..your day will be more fulfilling and you can walk in confidence knowing the creator of everything has your back! Have a blessed day friend!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. John 4:14


I looked at the nutritional value label on a bottle of water recently. To my surprise I discovered that water has no nutritional value whatsoever. The funny thing is….we need it to survive. Without water we will die.


The bible is the same…..a lot of people look at the bible as just a book and don’t consider it to have much value. But, don’t be mistaken friend, the bible is the true word of God. Every passage written was inspired by God as His authors obediently wrote the words that still read and sought after from 2000 years ago. Inside the bible are words of encouragement, healing, instructions for living a holy and righteous life…..all of which are meant to keep you and me safe from the Devils schemes and pitfalls.


From the pages of old testament prophecy about Jesus to the end of time, God’s word still remains the top seller. Don’t just look at the bible as some book of rules and limit its value. For the Christian, it provides guidance for living a God honoring life. Read it today and every day…watch your life become more Christ-like and see God’s blessings rain down on your life.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (money). Matthew 6:24

Money, often said to be the "root of all evil". Although necessary to live, it oftentimes becomes a hindrance in our walk with the Lord. Our culture is centered around buying and possessing things. The mind set seems to be if we shop, we'll feel better....and the more we have (either money or goods) the more secure we feel. 

As Christians, our security is in God, not money or possessions. Yes, He may bless you with a good paying job, but He expects you to use your money wisely. Our ultimate goal is to share the love of God through our actions and financial support for missions either here in the US or abroad. God often blesses us with abundant resources because He knows we have the capability to serve Him through wise spending. He allows us the free will to either trust Him with our spending or spend it on worldly things that don't matter. 

Money can actually bring us closer to God, especially when we have little of it in our bank account.  I can't tell you the number of times things were tight for me financially, yet God placed before me an opportunity to share what little I had with a specific mission. My obedience to His calling resulted in blessings far greater than I could have imagined. 

What's in your wallet? $5, $10, $50 or $100....God can use your last dollar to bless those in need and continue to provide you opportunities to further God's love to a world that is lost. Take your focus off money and turn to God for financial stability and wisdom, then be obedient to His calling and give where He directs. Your obedience will result in abundant blessings my friend. Give today! God bless.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Adam replied to God, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself”. Genesis 3:10


I saw a lady in church yesterday who had used hair coloring to mask her gray. Her natural color was showing near her scalp as it must have been a while since she got it colored. For many women who color their hair, it’s a frequent occurrence to purchase hair coloring or visit the beauty salon to have the hair color of choice….expensive as it is….its all in the name of beauty. Who wants to show off gray hair?


As humans, we have sin in our life and we try to mask or hide it by doing good things and having abundance of material possessions….all in the name of “looking good” to others. But deep down behind those expensive walls and good deeds resides sin, continual sin that takes a lot of grace and forgiveness by our loving Savior Jesus Christ to cover with His blood. No amount of good deeds or our successful living removes the stain of sin….only by the blood of Jesus Christ.


Maybe you have been trying to live a righteous life through your good deeds and successes. No amount of deeds or success will save you, only Jesus Christ. Once you accept Him into your life, your sin stained life turns to a righteous white in His eyes. Stop trying to do it on your own and accept Jesus, so you wont have to mask the sin any longer, just admit your sins daily and live a confident life knowing your eternal home is in Heaven! Come to Him today and receive your eternal coloring….never again will you thirst in this lifetime! God bless!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses. Mark 11:25-26

Have you ever washed your car then driven down the road and had a huge bug splatter on the windshield? That clean windshield is now marred by bug guts. As you drive down the road, your eyes constantly go back to the bug splatter....eventually it will drive you nuts and you'll get a rag to clean it off. 

Today's passage talks about forgiving others. As a Christian your sins are forgiven...no doubt. So how can our "unforgiveness" of an offender cause Jesus to not forgive our sins? First off, your salvation in Christ is like that newly cleaned car. Once dirty, now clean by the precious blood of Jesus Christ sacrifice for your sins. But, if we hold back forgiveness towards someone,  it's like that clean window now messed up in bug splatter. That person becomes your focus...and your view of God is limited at best. 

You see, God is all about love and forgiveness. If you are one with Him, how can He forgive your sins if you counter what He stands for and His very purpose in your life? Unforgiveness hinders our relationship with God. Until we remove that offender from our view of God, we won't have the "clear" view needed to be in total communication with Him. Forgiveness is a must in a Christian's life. 

Forgive and forget. Tough words, even tougher when the offender has done something so painful to you. Yet, as Jesus Christ hung on the cross and endured the physical and verbal abuse of his offenders...He still had enough love in His heart to forgive them. "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.". If Jesus can forgive the ones who took His life, you can forgive your offenders with His help. Restore your relationship back to good by forgiving others....you will have that clear view of God in your life once again. Forgive someone today. God bless. 

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion. Hebrews 3:15


A few years back I pursued something that I thought was good for me, yet God said NO. Convinced I was in the right, I actually debated God for a few months, until God said….its all yours. He lifted His hand of protection and I had miserable chaos in my life for months and months. The distance between me and God grew further over time until I couldn’t take it any longer and I humbly came back to Him. Following this hard lesson, I wrote the following poem from my heart. I share this with you….if you hear His voice, FOLLOW IT no matter the cost! He knows whats best for you! God bless!


My way is no longer.

Your voice burned like fire in my heart.

The emptiness, the longings and memories,

Paralyzed me day and night.

On my knees I prayed for healing,

Oh God, restore my soul, restore my union with you!

Lord please, carry me through this storm.


Today, is the start of a new chapter.

Healed with scars, I seek your voice.

You have lifted me from the pit of dread.

You have brought life to my storm tattered spirit.


From this day forward the path I choose is yours.

Your path is narrow but sure footed.

Danger lurks on either side, but I will follow your voice.

Not visible is the path behind me,

Your shadow has darkened the past.

Advancing forward I listen for your voice,

I follow it without question.


Hold my hand Father as we seek new adventures.

Alert me to danger and show me your way.

I am grateful for your soft voice,

That directs my path to righteousness.

Together we can weather any storm!


Friday, January 6, 2017

 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. Romans 8:8

We find that many people, possibly yourself, have certain clothes they wear to make them feel a certain way....attractive, professional, athletic....these clothes solicit in them an emotion or attitude. What they wear, they become in their mind. 

The same is true for Christians. The places we go, the things we do, eat, drink and even the clothes we wear....all impact us spiritually in our mind. The thing we need to consider is....does it please God? We can get wrapped up in worldly affairs and things of the world to the point they dampen the spirit living in us and poorly reflect Christ to others. We are to be the example of Christ in everything we do...every day. 

Do you want to please God? Have you thought about your daily routine and what you do? Is it God honoring? If not, pray to God to help direct your daily steps so you can please Him in all areas of your life. Donning the "worlds"s ways will push you away from God. Putting on a spiritual mindset and following the Spirit's prompting will guide you daily. Please God by living a surrendered life to His will, not yours....then see His blessings poured out into your life for living in total obedience. Put on righteousness today! God bless!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

The voice of one crying in the wilderness; Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight. Mark 1:3

If you live in the southern portion of the US, you know a forecast of "snow" brings about much anticipation and preparation. Many areas in the south don't have the resources necessary to deal with the effects of snow and ice....therefore bread and milk are in high demand....as well as other food items. Right now we have a forecast of snow for tomorrow....i can guarantee the grocery stores will be busy today selling these necessities. 

In today's scripture we see John the Baptist calling out to prepare for the Savior, Jesus Christ. John was fortunate to baptize Jesus in the Jordan River. His message to the crowds....prepare your life for Jesus Christ. Receive Him and have your sins forgiven. Have you prepared for Christ? Does He occupy your heart and life?

Fortunately, Jesus made it simple for us to receive Him....ask. Ask Him to come into your life and forgive your sins and live for Him daily. Nothing you can do will save yourself...not trying to live right, say right things...(although these are good things)...these things won't save you. It's faith and  trust in Jesus Christ. 

If you've never asked Him to come into your heart, do it today. He prepared the way for you to have eternal life through His death on the cross for forgiveness of sins. He rose to life again on the third day...defeating death. Receive Him today and enjoy the eternal benefits of being called a Child of the Living God! Have a blessed day. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

 He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many, for He shall bear their iniquities. Isaiah 53:11

God reached out to His creation, through Jesus Christ, to bridge the great expanse between Heaven and earth. It was God's plan to bring the purest sacrificial lamb before mankind to suffer and die for our sins so we can freely worship and commune with God the Father. Eternal life awaits those who choose to follow a sacred life of obedience in Christ. 

Acknowledging Jesus as God's Son, believing that He died for your sins and asking Him to enter your life to be accepted as a Child of God is all that's required to receive His grace, mercy and eternal forgiveness. Have you accepted His free gift of eternal Salvation? It is my hearts desire that you find your way to God through Jesus Christ. Nothing brings more satisfaction to life than knowing your eternal destination is Heaven. But the real deal is a life with Christ....seeing His daily miracles play out in your life. He watches over you and helps you in the tough times and provides spiritual nourishment to sustain you even in the my challenging situations. He loves you...you are His creation. 

Jesus Christ did all the work for you, all you have to do is believe, ask and receive Him in your life. What are you waiting for....today is the day of Salvation. Find eternal security in God through Jesus Christ. God bless. ‎

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Jesus prayed..."I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in ME through their word; that they may be one, as You Father, are in ME, and I in You; that they also may be one in US, that the world may believe that You sent Me. John 17:20-21

As fellow believers in Christ, it's important to know we are all together one, a unified body of believers, yet separate individuals. Each person has a specific role and purpose in the body of Christ. We are all connected through Jesus Christ. Just like the human body has many parts that function together. So are we as Christians. 

So what does that mean for you? As a part of this unified body you should be praying for fellow believers. Not just family, but everyone. I know at times when I'm on my knees in prayer, someone comes into my thoughts and I pray for them at that moment. I truly believe that is God summoning me to pray for that person. Our prayers for others bring healing to a broken heart, tenders the heart of an enemy, provide encouragement to someone feeling defeated and help for the one who is lost in sin and needs a light to find their way. Praying for others is necessary for the body of Christ to thrive in this foriegn world inwhich we live.

Who has God called you to pray for today? Ask God to give you a name or several names and pray specifically for God to work in their life. Jesus prayed for you over 2000 years ago, share in His example and pray for others....God will bless your obedience and His unified body will work together for the will of God. Pray on, friend! Have a blessed day!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. 
Matthew 5:16

Last night, I was riding home from church service and I noticed low floating rain clouds illuminated by roadway security lights. Every detail of these clouds were visible as they reflected the light shining on them. If the clouds were higher in elevation there would have been no way to see them in the dark. 

The same is true in our relationship with the Lord. The closer we walk to Him, the more His light reflects from us into the darkness. Unless we are within range of His presence, we won't shine the light of Christ to everyone around us. How close are you to the source of light....Jesus Christ?

If we truly love Him, we will do all we can to bring us closer to Him through much prayer, bible reading, attending church functions that educate us and develop meaningful friendships with fellow believers in Christ. As a Christian, we are part of the unified body of believers. You weren't meant to stand alone...fellowship with other believers is a must if our light is going to shine brighter. And when our fellow brother's light dims, we are there to help them and encourage them in the Lord. United as one body is the only way we will see America become a God honored and God blessed nation. 

The choice is yours. The closer you are to the light, the more Christ like you become. If you truly are a believer in Christ, you will do all you can to walk closer to Him in 2017. Pray for God to help develop that closer walk with Him...He will honor your request and bless your life with meaning and purpose. Walk close to the light today! God bless!!! 

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Be exalted, O Lord, in Your own strength! We will sing and praise your power.
Psalm 21:13
         Happy New Year. As we look ahead, there will be challenges we face almost daily. Some will be a simple fix and take little effort on our part to tackle. But, sooner or later we will encounter a challenge much greater than our strength can endure. The first response is usually dread and a feeling of defeat. But, as we transition our focus from us and turn to God for help, He quickly receives our request and starts to penetrate the challenge with His perfect plan to sustain us and help us achieve victory once again. 

Maybe you are starting 2017 with something bigger than you....something that has no hope for tomorrow. Friend, fall into the arms of Jesus and let Him sustain your weary body. Nothing that comes your way is too big for Him to handle. And through His power living inside of you, you can endure the challenge all the way through til the end. 

Welcome to the new year. Make God a part of every day through prayer and scripture reading...He will sustain you when every conflict and challenge comes before you. Reflect it to Him and watch His hands work towards resolution in a special way. Walk with Him today....God Bless!!