Thursday, January 12, 2017

Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17


Whats the first thing you do when you have good news, are sick or just lonely? Most people pick up the phone and call someone. As humans we have a need to be heard and associate with other people. God designed us to stay in communication with people. Even the most diligent hermit will speak to someone in time.


God desires the same of us. As Christians we put our faith in God to see us through each day…minute by minute, hour by hour, day after day, week after week…into eternity. He LONGS to stay in constant communication with you. Prayer doesn’t have to always be kneeling or sitting down with eyes closed. You can carry on a constant conversation with Him throughout the day. If someone had a voice recorder attached to me for 24 hours, you’d think I was nuts…I am always talking to God. Whether it’s a praise for something even simple like a vacant parking spot or a positive conversation with one of my kids. In times of sickness or faced with a challenging situation I always ask God….what will He do to help me get through this moment.


When we stay in constant communication with God, we are more apt to follow His will and find life more meaningful. Our awareness of His blessings…big and small become so evident….I can’t tell you how much this sustains my faith in God just by truly “seeing” Him work in my life. Give it a try today to stay in constant communication with God. Ask for His help, seek Him in your day…..your day will be more fulfilling and you can walk in confidence knowing the creator of everything has your back! Have a blessed day friend!

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