Tuesday, January 31, 2017

My little children, let us not love in word or in tounge, but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:18

Have you ever purchased a tool or gadget, only to secure it somewhere and not use it? Maybe for you ladies it was some clothing or shoes. We spend money on something and don't use it....over time we even forget we have it. It's a total waste to let it just sit and not be used as intended. 

The same is true with our walk with the Lord. Jesus Christ paid your sin debt so you can accept His free offer of salvation and live out your faith. "Live out" your faith, means doing. Doing what? Loving others, showing others the love of Christ through your actions of giving, forgiving, helping someone in need and comforting someone through a special visit and prayer. Living out your faith daily and putting aside your selfish ways to serve Christ is the only way to show genuine love for Him. 

Are you just carrying around your key to Heaven's gate, or are you doing the will of God by living in obedience and sharing the love and message of Jesus Christ with others? Don't let this precious gift of Salvation sit idle in your heart....live out your faith every day and He will reward you for your obedience. Live out your faith today! Have a blessed day!!

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