Wednesday, January 25, 2017

But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is no partiality. Colossians 3:25

Have you ever ran off the road, after it had rained, and as you come back on the pavement your tires leave a trail of muddy tracks behind you? We see evidence of this almost daily....and you ask yourself "I wonder what happened with that vehicle". ‎

Our Christian journey is no different. God provides a solid pathway for us to travel. The bible outlines biblical principles to steer us in the right direction and His Spirit to prompt us when necessary. Yet when we yield to sin, we step off that solid path into the muck momentarily. As we move back towards the path of righteousness....we leave behind a muddy trail. Our sins follow us, and God sees and knows our tresspasses. There is no way of hiding our sin from Him. 

Thankfully, we are loved by a God who is full of grace and quickly forgives us when we confess and center ourselves back on the pathway. The consequences of our sins are still there, and some sins will always leave a muddy trail behind us. Stay on the path of righteousness friend. It's safe, secure and meant to protect you and the lives impacted by the decisions you make. When you walk in obedience, you never have to worry about a sin trail behind you. 

Maybe you are facing a "little pleasure" that you know is wrong and in your mind is debating weather to go for it or turn from it. Who do you love? If you love God, you will turn from it and travel on solid ground. Stay the course and pursue the pathway of righteousness. God will reward your obedience. Blessings friend! ‎

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