Saturday, January 21, 2017

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:29

Does your life ever feel like a wrinkled garment? This happens and that happens and stress abounds in every aspect of your life....leaving you in a wrinkled mess! You wonder how long you can keep up with the daily challenges that face you from morning til night. 

Friend, hand yourself over to the one who can carry your weighted burdens, busy schedule and constant demands. God is like a hanger.....when we surrender the weight of our daily life to Him, He supports us and sustains us in the most difficult and challenging of days. Over time, our life conforms to His. Just like a sweater on a conforms to the shape of its support. The more we hang our life on Him, we begin to reflect more of His image in our life....our confidence and joy restores and hope for each tomorrow comes with ease....knowing His support is enough to carry us through another day. 

Don't let life's weight throw you down to the ground like a worn sweater on the floor. Hang every aspect of your life on God and He will provide the support, encouragement and love you need to make it another Christ centered, Christ honored day. Hang on Him today....He is ready to support you. God bless.

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