Thursday, January 26, 2017

But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one. 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Many people search out a companion whom they can trust and have faith in to always be there and never let them down. As humans, we can fail at providing that assurance of faith 24/7. When that happens, hearts are broken and we feel the painful "let down". 

Friend, there is One who will never let you down, will never leave you alone or turn His back on you....Jesus Christ proved His love for you through His sacrifice on the cross. As Christians, our pursuit for #1 shouldn't be in the flesh, but God first. If you truly seek after God and place Him first in your life, He will provide you the joy and confidence to face each day....even in the midst of human dissapointment. His love, His grace, His peace is enough. 

Seeking someone to trust in this world can be a challenge. Seek after the One who defined "faithful" and never let go of your hope and trust in Him. He loves you and wants to satisfy your soul with His generous blessings. Seek after Him today.  
God bless. ‎

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