Friday, January 6, 2017

 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. Romans 8:8

We find that many people, possibly yourself, have certain clothes they wear to make them feel a certain way....attractive, professional, athletic....these clothes solicit in them an emotion or attitude. What they wear, they become in their mind. 

The same is true for Christians. The places we go, the things we do, eat, drink and even the clothes we wear....all impact us spiritually in our mind. The thing we need to consider is....does it please God? We can get wrapped up in worldly affairs and things of the world to the point they dampen the spirit living in us and poorly reflect Christ to others. We are to be the example of Christ in everything we do...every day. 

Do you want to please God? Have you thought about your daily routine and what you do? Is it God honoring? If not, pray to God to help direct your daily steps so you can please Him in all areas of your life. Donning the "worlds"s ways will push you away from God. Putting on a spiritual mindset and following the Spirit's prompting will guide you daily. Please God by living a surrendered life to His will, not yours....then see His blessings poured out into your life for living in total obedience. Put on righteousness today! God bless!!!

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