Sunday, January 22, 2017

     I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. Luke 15:7

Today's verse is at the conclusion of the parable of the lost sheep. A Sheppard oversees 100 sheep, when one goes missing, he leaves the 99 to find the 1 and brings him back to the fold rejoicing. Jesus is passionate about His children and finds it necessary to go after the one that's lost. 

As Christians, we too should share that same passion for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The world's pleasures and the lure Satan throws out there can easily distract and pull away a child of God. We see it too often today, as our church family members stray away from the truth. Does your heart have a burden for them? Do you see them walking towards danger? If so, your heart should prompt you to pray for them and have open ears to God's calling if He directs you to go and talk with them. God places certain people in our minds to create awareness of the need to pray and help them. 

Watching out for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ takes some effort on our part. We have to take time away from "self" and focus on others. Jesus has this you? Pray and ask Him to create a heart sensitive to fellow Christians and to see the needs. Then ask God to give you the courage and wisdom to reach out and help those who've strayed and bring them back to the fold of Christ. Reach out today...someone is lost and needs help finding their way to safety.
 Have a blessed Sunday friend.

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