Sunday, January 15, 2017

But your inequities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear. Isaiah 59:2

What if the only people God saw was His children as He gazes upon the world? What would He see? Would He see you? Would He see you walking in obedience or straying from your faith in Him? 

As children of God, it's our responsibility to live out our faith in all areas of our, community, church and even when no one is watching. Our commitment to Him requires a total surrender of our selfish ways and avoid sin at all cost. Satan knows our weaknesses and will do everything He can to draw your attention from God's blessings to the honeycomb of the world. It may look good, it may taste good....but once partaken it hinders God's view of you. He will not approve of sin! 

From the beginning with Adam and Eve in the garden...He blessed them with a bountiful and beautiful place to live...yet commanded not to eat from 1 fruit tree. The fall of mankind happened when Adam and Eve turned from God's blessings and fell victim to temptation. If you are a child of God, He has provided you with abundant life and wants to bless you for obedient living. Turn from sin and walk towards Him daily. He's looking for obedient children.....can He see you?

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