Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Lord upholds all who fall, And raises up all who are bowed down. Psalm 145:14

Have you ever fallen down and someone was there to help you up? Although you might not have needed their assistance, it was nice to have the extra help and special to receive someone's kindness. I know in my grandmother's case...when she falls....someone needs to be there to get her up again. Unfortunately as we age, falling down seems to occur more frequently. 

As Christians, we fall down in our relationship with God. New believers will trip and fall, but their newness of faith gets them back up quickly. As we mature in our faith, it seems like our stumbling has more effect on us. We feel the impact from our mistakes or bad things that happen to us in life. Is God there to pick you up? Scripture says He is. The Devil wants you to think otherwise. He wants you to stay down and become depressed. The devil knows a mature Christian is his greatest enemy so He uses all kinds of strongholds and life wrecking occurences to bring you down and keep you there. 

What's brought you down? Divorce, loss of a loved one, betrayed by someone you love, financial ruin, health issues....the list of Satan's tactics are long and powerful. BUT, the God you serve is greater than anything you encounter. Call to God for help. You weren't meant to stay down...push up from the bottom and keep your onGod and not your circumstances...He will lift you up and bring healing just when you need it the most. Call upon Him today. God bless.

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