Friday, January 20, 2017

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be! You have been grieved by various trials. 1 Peter 1:6

Speed bumps are probably one of the most annoying things you encounter while going down the road or in a parking lot. They are meant to slow down traffic flow to create an environment of safety for vehicles and pedestrians walking in the area. If speed bumps weren't present, traffic would move at a very fast and unsafe speed...end result...more accidents and someone getting injured. 

The trials we face in life are kind of like speed bumps. As Christians, when things are going good, we tend to pick up speed and forget about God and His warnings and sometimes drown out His silent voice with worldly pleasures. But, when conflict occurs and we realize our strength is no match, we quickly slow down and call on God for help. The end result, more focus on God and attentive to His voice...which should bring us back to a humbled spirit and growth in our relationship with Him. 

Maybe today you have encountered an unexpected speed bump...something you totally did not see coming, yet here it is and you feel overwhelmed and helpless. Call upon the Lord to help you in your moment of crises and lean on Him for support, love and confidence to move forward once again. In your process of slowing down, He has a message to share with it out and restore what's missing in your life with Him. 

God has a plan for your life. The intermittent speed bumps of life are meant to help you move at the right speed so God can bless you along the journey of life. Trust in Him when those events occur...He placed them there because He loves you and wants what's best. Stay focused and trust in His travel plans...good things are coming. God bless.  

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