Wednesday, January 11, 2017

But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. John 4:14


I looked at the nutritional value label on a bottle of water recently. To my surprise I discovered that water has no nutritional value whatsoever. The funny thing is….we need it to survive. Without water we will die.


The bible is the same…..a lot of people look at the bible as just a book and don’t consider it to have much value. But, don’t be mistaken friend, the bible is the true word of God. Every passage written was inspired by God as His authors obediently wrote the words that still read and sought after from 2000 years ago. Inside the bible are words of encouragement, healing, instructions for living a holy and righteous life…..all of which are meant to keep you and me safe from the Devils schemes and pitfalls.


From the pages of old testament prophecy about Jesus to the end of time, God’s word still remains the top seller. Don’t just look at the bible as some book of rules and limit its value. For the Christian, it provides guidance for living a God honoring life. Read it today and every day…watch your life become more Christ-like and see God’s blessings rain down on your life.

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