Monday, January 30, 2017

Wealth, gained by dishonesty will be diminished, But he who gathers by labor will increase. Proverbs 13:11

  If you are honest with yourself, you realize that God has blessed you with the things in your life, including a job. He provides the necessities for life and we should always be thankful for His rich blessings. For the majority though, people want "more". A new car, a new home, more clothes....its endless. 

Those additional things are good, if they are earned by honest gain and don't become an idol in our life. Some people become so fixated on obtaining more, that they work longer hours and away from family responsibilities, they might cheat on their taxes to protect some money or shortchange others in business dealings. There are so many illegal and imoral ways to gain money....this temptation is real for some people. You might be saying..."I don't do any of those". True, but evaluate your it dominated in labor to gain more? Does it cut into a time of bible study or worshipping God? 

God will bless us with "more" as long as we steady and manage our time and keep a healthy balance between work, family time and communion with God. Getting more by short changing others will eventually result in loss....either through divorce, exhaustion, a wayward child or broken hearts of those who long time spent with you. Want more? Pray to God and ask, if it's His will...He will bless you. If it's not His will....accept what He has given you and be thankful. God has just the right portion provided grateful and share in your wealth with others. It goes a long ways and God will bless you further than anything you could do on your own. Be a blessing to someone elese today....share God's blessings.

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