Monday, January 2, 2017

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. 
Matthew 5:16

Last night, I was riding home from church service and I noticed low floating rain clouds illuminated by roadway security lights. Every detail of these clouds were visible as they reflected the light shining on them. If the clouds were higher in elevation there would have been no way to see them in the dark. 

The same is true in our relationship with the Lord. The closer we walk to Him, the more His light reflects from us into the darkness. Unless we are within range of His presence, we won't shine the light of Christ to everyone around us. How close are you to the source of light....Jesus Christ?

If we truly love Him, we will do all we can to bring us closer to Him through much prayer, bible reading, attending church functions that educate us and develop meaningful friendships with fellow believers in Christ. As a Christian, we are part of the unified body of believers. You weren't meant to stand alone...fellowship with other believers is a must if our light is going to shine brighter. And when our fellow brother's light dims, we are there to help them and encourage them in the Lord. United as one body is the only way we will see America become a God honored and God blessed nation. 

The choice is yours. The closer you are to the light, the more Christ like you become. If you truly are a believer in Christ, you will do all you can to walk closer to Him in 2017. Pray for God to help develop that closer walk with Him...He will honor your request and bless your life with meaning and purpose. Walk close to the light today! God bless!!! 

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