Monday, January 9, 2017

Adam replied to God, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself”. Genesis 3:10


I saw a lady in church yesterday who had used hair coloring to mask her gray. Her natural color was showing near her scalp as it must have been a while since she got it colored. For many women who color their hair, it’s a frequent occurrence to purchase hair coloring or visit the beauty salon to have the hair color of choice….expensive as it is….its all in the name of beauty. Who wants to show off gray hair?


As humans, we have sin in our life and we try to mask or hide it by doing good things and having abundance of material possessions….all in the name of “looking good” to others. But deep down behind those expensive walls and good deeds resides sin, continual sin that takes a lot of grace and forgiveness by our loving Savior Jesus Christ to cover with His blood. No amount of good deeds or our successful living removes the stain of sin….only by the blood of Jesus Christ.


Maybe you have been trying to live a righteous life through your good deeds and successes. No amount of deeds or success will save you, only Jesus Christ. Once you accept Him into your life, your sin stained life turns to a righteous white in His eyes. Stop trying to do it on your own and accept Jesus, so you wont have to mask the sin any longer, just admit your sins daily and live a confident life knowing your eternal home is in Heaven! Come to Him today and receive your eternal coloring….never again will you thirst in this lifetime! God bless!

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