Tuesday, January 17, 2017

For to be carnally minded is death. But to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:6

What's on your mind? What things and people do you long for....your passions and pursuits? Are they Godly or worldly? Your mind drives what you do. What you feed your mind with shapes your attitude and alters your belief system.

As scripture says, having a worldly mind set is death and certainly a lack of peace. The people you associate with, the places you go and what you do in private can affect your thoughts. If they aren't God approved, then you are quickly headed down the wrong path and in the end will destroy you. Nothing of this world will last forever.

Having a Godly mind set, keeps focus on God and recognizes His blessings. Pursuing Godly attributes brings peace into your life. Yes, you may find yourself in moments of turmoil, but having a mind linked to God, brings a peace like no other...even in the most fiercest storms.  

In a society saturated with worldly things and pleasures, it can be challenging to keep your focus on God. But if you want peace and eternal happiness...put aside your carnal thoughts and fill them with God's purity through scripture reading, prayer and removing the "world" from your life. Yes, you might have to give up some things you love...but the sacrafice will be worth it! What's on your mind? Keep it Christ centered today! God bless.

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