Saturday, January 28, 2017

Your word I have hidden in my heart,
That I might not sin against You. Psalm 119:11

When you pull up to the gas pump, what grade fuel do you select for your vehicle? For most it's the cheaper "regular" grade. Although it meets the minimum requirement for most vehicles, there is still something better..."premium" grade. Higher octane fuel makes your vehicle perform a little better...and many fuel companies have a special additive which is a bonus for your engine and performance. It's worth the extra $.

There is a similar concept we need to grasp.....what we feed our heart and mind. The quality of material we read and see affects our performance as God's children. Time spent surfing the net is usually wasted time on useless information and drama....when it could be spent on reading the bible or a devotional. Absorbing God's word into your mind helps recall His principles when faced with a decision. At that moment you can fall back on the things you've read to help make the best decisions for your life. I know there have been many times when I've faced a challenge or had to make a decision about something and scripture came to mind which helped guide me.

Gods word is a living document. It's survived Satan's attack for over 2000 years now and is still one of the best sellers. People yearn for the citizens living in a country blessed with freedom to worship, take time to study God's word, attend a church to help you grow and fellowship with other believers and see your spiritual life peform at its optimum and not just "getting by" on the regular stuff of this world. Which grade of material are you going to select? Have a blessed Saturday.

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