Saturday, January 14, 2017

Can anyone hide himself in secret places, So I shall not see him? Says the Lord; do I not fill heaven and earth? Says the Lord. Jeremiah 23:24

Have you ever been to a new place? Yes you have the address and maybe written directions...but as you travel, you realize something isn't right. So you turn on your GPS navigation system to find your exact location and let it guide you to your intended destination. Until that GPS connects to satellites in the sky you have to wait til it gathers data and sends you on your way. ‎
I find in our Christian journey, we think we have an idea where we are going and we continue on our path...yet so often we don't stay connected to God. We trust in our own wisdom or selfish pursuits. Eventually we end up in trouble and cry for God's help. Thankfully He is always there waiting to establish an intimate connection once again. Until that has been established, we will continue to flounder and put ourselves at risk of being robbed by Satan in the "bad streets" of life. 
Don't leave your bed each day without establishing that contact with God. If you keep your ears and heart open, He will guide you around every roadblock and divert you away from danger that lurks all around you. Stay connected to God....he is just a prayer away. 
God bless. ‎

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