Tuesday, January 10, 2017

No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (money). Matthew 6:24

Money, often said to be the "root of all evil". Although necessary to live, it oftentimes becomes a hindrance in our walk with the Lord. Our culture is centered around buying and possessing things. The mind set seems to be if we shop, we'll feel better....and the more we have (either money or goods) the more secure we feel. 

As Christians, our security is in God, not money or possessions. Yes, He may bless you with a good paying job, but He expects you to use your money wisely. Our ultimate goal is to share the love of God through our actions and financial support for missions either here in the US or abroad. God often blesses us with abundant resources because He knows we have the capability to serve Him through wise spending. He allows us the free will to either trust Him with our spending or spend it on worldly things that don't matter. 

Money can actually bring us closer to God, especially when we have little of it in our bank account.  I can't tell you the number of times things were tight for me financially, yet God placed before me an opportunity to share what little I had with a specific mission. My obedience to His calling resulted in blessings far greater than I could have imagined. 

What's in your wallet? $5, $10, $50 or $100....God can use your last dollar to bless those in need and continue to provide you opportunities to further God's love to a world that is lost. Take your focus off money and turn to God for financial stability and wisdom, then be obedient to His calling and give where He directs. Your obedience will result in abundant blessings my friend. Give today! God bless.

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