Friday, January 27, 2017

Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones. Proverbs 3: 7-8

Life. It's a minute by minute, day by day life of decisions and choices. Where we go, who we associate with, what we believe, what pleasures we pursue and what we do in the time we have available to us. The decisions are  endless. It's so easy to "fit in" with the world. I believe there any many today who go through life without knowing their purpose for existence...much less care about that or anything....just as long as life goes well, they are happy. 

For the child of God, there is so much more in store for us beyond this life. We have a purpose and a mission....a follow in the footsteps of Christ and walk in total obedience. The things of the world make sense and can be easily followed, but the righteous way deviates from the world's standards and ways. It's unique, and only followed by those who have a passion for Christ. The reward for the obedient child of God is an internal joy that sustains in the most difficult of circumstances, it's a peace that can smother any fear the devil can inflict and it's the love that overflows from the Christian's heart to those empty hearts around us....searching for everlasting contentment. 

Fearing the Lord is essentially a personal decision to accept that God's ways are better than the easy way of the world. Surrendering self for Christ's way is the most satisfying and rewarded life from now and into all eternity. Follow His ways and life will be full of blessings and eternal joy. Stay the course my friend. God bless.  

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