Sunday, January 8, 2017

And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses. Mark 11:25-26

Have you ever washed your car then driven down the road and had a huge bug splatter on the windshield? That clean windshield is now marred by bug guts. As you drive down the road, your eyes constantly go back to the bug splatter....eventually it will drive you nuts and you'll get a rag to clean it off. 

Today's passage talks about forgiving others. As a Christian your sins are doubt. So how can our "unforgiveness" of an offender cause Jesus to not forgive our sins? First off, your salvation in Christ is like that newly cleaned car. Once dirty, now clean by the precious blood of Jesus Christ sacrifice for your sins. But, if we hold back forgiveness towards someone,  it's like that clean window now messed up in bug splatter. That person becomes your focus...and your view of God is limited at best. 

You see, God is all about love and forgiveness. If you are one with Him, how can He forgive your sins if you counter what He stands for and His very purpose in your life? Unforgiveness hinders our relationship with God. Until we remove that offender from our view of God, we won't have the "clear" view needed to be in total communication with Him. Forgiveness is a must in a Christian's life. 

Forgive and forget. Tough words, even tougher when the offender has done something so painful to you. Yet, as Jesus Christ hung on the cross and endured the physical and verbal abuse of his offenders...He still had enough love in His heart to forgive them. "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.". If Jesus can forgive the ones who took His life, you can forgive your offenders with His help. Restore your relationship back to good by forgiving will have that clear view of God in your life once again. Forgive someone today. God bless. 

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