Thursday, August 31, 2017

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

In 1952 a small crew of US Coast Guard servicemen head out into the stormy sea, off Cape Cod, to rescue the crew of the SS Pendleton tanker ship. During their way out to sea, they crossed a dangerous area where the ocean's waves crashed into the shoreline shelf. One huge wave hit the boat, ripping the canopy and their compass from the vessel. As the true story is told, in the movie "The Finest Hours", they were still able to navigate without the compass, found the shipwrecked crew and safely made it back to port. 

As you face each day, storms develop on the horizon....conflict at work or home, a doctor's appointment concerning your health, an accident, pending loss of a loved one....storms come in a variety of ways. Those storms look fierce and your internal compass wants to direct you around the storm, into calmer waters. As you look out, you quickly realize this storm is much larger than you and avoiding it is impossible. That's when you must place your faith and trust in God to guide you through the painful and challenging circumstances of life.

Are you facing a difficult situation? Asking God to remove the problem and it's still in front of you? Trust Him! Change your prayer from removal to HELP me navigate through this storm. Your sense of direction may seem off, trust God completely, without doubt and He will see you through. Never doubt what God asks of you and the direction He shows you to take. He sees the other side of that storm and knows the best route.  On the other side is calmer waters and a time for rest and thanksgiving. Trust Him every day and He will see you through. Sail on! God bless.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. Psalm 139:3

 As humans, we have this instinctive nature to be understood by someone special, whether it be a friend, spouse, or family member....we like to connect with someone. Yet, even the closest person sometimes doesn't understand us, can't comprehend our thinking. Today's verse assures us God understands us....every aspect of our being, our thoughts, beliefs, actions....everything. 

As a child of God, we have this benefit package that allows His Spirit to guide us and protect us when we stand alone in our decisions, actions and speech. No one around you may understand your logic, but God does. And if your daily life aligns with His will, He will do what's necessary to ensure you won't stand alone in the face of criticism and rebuke. 

Everyone has their own opinions about life, sometimes they counter what we believe. It's ok, God made everyone different and free to have varying views and beliefs. Have the confidence in knowing the King of Kings, Lord of Lord's understands YOU when no one else does. He loves you and will give you the best path to journey as long as you learn from Him and follow in obedience. 
Thank you Lord for knowing me on a personal level. 
Have a blessed day friend.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Protect your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23

If you've ever been to the doctor or visited someone in the hospital, you will most likely saw a machine that monitors a person's heart. If it's beating, it will show an upward mark on the EKG screen. If dead, you will see a flat line with no activity. 

What if God were to monitor your heart with regards to your relationship with Him. Would He see an upward mark every now and then....indicating a prayer was said, good deed done for someone else or time of bible study? Or, would there be a lot of activity...indicating your desire to please God throughout the day? Hopefully the screen would indicate a lot of positive marks. 

Sadly, when we sin, the monitor would show a flat line. When you sin, you become dead in sin. God sees no life in a person who commits sin, especially willful and purposeful sin. If you find it easy to sin and justify your disobedience, friend you are flat lined and God can't do anything for you. 

As scripture says...protect your heart. Whatever you allow in your life impacts your heart. What you do, where you go, what you read and listen to all impacts the health of your heart and life. Nourish your heart with Godly and righteous things and your heart beat for God will be strong and live into eternity. 

Are you flat lined or alive in Christ. Ask God to check your heart and show you the things you need to do to keep it healthy for His glory and service. 
God bless.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Watch, stand firm in the faith, be brave, be strong. 
1 Corinthians 16:13

A while back I helped a friend make repairs to an old fence that lined a pasture which would be home to a herd of his cows. There were stretches of fence that needed new fence post, so we dug deep holes and packed each post firmly in the ground. The deeper and more packed in, meant the fence would have plenty of support to stay up for years and years. 

As Christians we should be like fence post. Firmly dug in to God's word so we won't be swayed by pressures of life and false teachings. A fence post never moves from its position and neither should we in our beliefs to Godly living. Cows oftentimes lean on a post to scratch its back, we too should be available for fellow believers to lean on in times of need. And a fence post never rots, as it's sealed with a wood preservative. As Christians, we are sealed with the blood of Christ...our faith will last through all should our service to the Lord...never stop serving Him. 

As a child of God, would you consider yourself a "fence post Christian"? If not, pray and ask God to help you dig deeper in His word, strengthen you so you can be a spiritual stronghold in your church and family. We need more fence post Christians, especially in this time when people are changing God's word to fit their lifestyle of sin. Stand firm, strong and never waiver in your faith. Are you a fence post for Christ? Have a blessed day.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2

When I look over social media and the news, I see a lot of tribulation through relationship issues, conflict between races, religions and countries, financial burdens....the list is endless. If you focus on this too long, you get depressed and worry about your future. 

I truly believe our problem today is we have our minds focused on the wrong subject, ourselves and others. We need to take our eyes off the things of this world and fixate them on God. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Galatians 5:22-23. When your focus is on the spiritual things, the problems and issues of this earth seem to disolve. Some of the issues and problems we have today are the result of mankind not following God's standard for righteous living....which leads to peace, joy and contentment. 

Does your world seem chaotic at times? Shift your focus upward, toward God, and draw upon His infinite wisdom, love and encouragement so you can be a light standing in the darkness. "I will lift my eyes to the hills, from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord". Psalms 121:1-2‎

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. 
John 16:32

Just prior to Jesus arrest, persecution and death, He told His disciples they would scatter, leaving Him all alone because they would be afraid to be associated with Him. 
As you read the following pages, you see His prediction was right. Yet Jesus had a calm about Him. He knew the very purpose for His existence was this moment of personal sacrifice to save all mankind. He knew God His Father was with Him. Because of that confidence, He willingly moved forward with God's will and purpose. 

As a child of God, you have a will and purpose, marked out by God, specific to you. He has provided you certain talents and abilities to carry on His plan to reach the lost and show the love of Christ to the unloved. Sometimes you look around and feel like you are the only one serving Him. Remember Jesus words....The Father is with Me! He is with you as well. He never leaves you nor forsakes you. When everyone else has left your side, you can count on God to be there with you every step of service to Him. 

Keep the faith, keep serving, you are not alone! Some of the greatest works of God have been accomplished through one person....ask Jesus, He'll tell you all about the power of one willing soul! Serve Him with God and see the world around you change! Keep serving! 
God bless.

Friday, August 25, 2017

For You will light my lamp; The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness. Psalm 18:28

I remember as a child I would play outside at night, sometimes hike through the woods, always carrying a flashlight. If I heard a unfamiliar noise, I'd shine the light in the general direction to ease my nerves once I saw it was nothing that would harm me. ‎
The Lord does the same for us. As a child of God, He is always with us, providing security in each step and protection from the darkness. But to calm our nerves in moments of uncertainty, we have to make it a point to shine His light on the subject of concern through prayer. When we do so, we shine God's light right on the thing or person to reveal it's truth. Then in confidence we must trust what the light is telling us. We might not believe what the light reveals because we think we see something different. Trust me friend, the light of Christ is always right. It exposes the truth from the inside, when all we see is the outward appearance. 

Trust the light in all areas of your life and things will be less scary in the dark world. Shine on friend! 
God bless. ‎

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Poverty and shame will come to him who disdains correction, But he who regards a rebuke will be honored. Proverbs 13:18

It's payback time for my sister. So I recall back when we were in high school, my sis had a lead foot...and still does to this day. There was a period of time when she met law enforcement officers along the highway. As they met, red lights went a flashing and sis received another bill from the state of Illinois...a hefty speeding ticket. After 3 and you get notified that your license is suspended. Well...after her third ticket and while waiting for that dreaded letter in the mail suspending her license...she got another ticket. Let's say things were a little warm in our house that day! What did this cost? Cost my parents to loose insurance and have to find more at a higher rate and cost to pay all of those tickets. Moral of the story, obey the speed limit. 

God provides us a perfect guide to live by each day, His Holy word, the bible. It's full of life saving direction for guidance on stormy days, curvy pathways and provides wisdom when facing a fork in the road. But it only helps if you read it and heed it's instructions. I'll be the first to admit, I have sometimes done just the opposite of its truth and paid dearly for my stubborness. Heartache, financial troubles and tainted reputation are just a few of the results of my negligence in following God's perfect instruction book. 

How's your driving record? Found some correction along the way? Some correction is good, but repeated mistakes is on you, and they are costly. Heed God's word and you'll find your travels less interrupted by the King of lifeway patrol! Obey and travel safely friend.  

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

 "If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?"
John 3:12

You ever sit and wonder how this world was made, how a beautiful flower can come from a small seed, where does all this water come from that fills the rivers across America? There are many things in life that can't be explained. As much as we try to figure it out, we never really come to an understanding. What if I simply told you God spoke everything into existence? Would you believe me? 

Many times in life things will happen and we can't explain it. Faith and trust in God is the only thing you can believe and understand. Human logic won't explain Godly wisdom. His ways are not your ways. He has a plan and purpose for everyone. What happens in life doesn't need to be figured out, but putting your trust in Him is all that matters. 

Maybe God is creating something new in your life...a new relationship, a new job, maybe a new life. Things are happening and you don't understand their purpose or logic. Trust in God that He is doing something great and using whatever circumstances you are going through. He oftentimes uses the painful things to carve out a new don't discredit the painful process you might be going through in life. He has a plan and purpose for everything, trust and believe in Him, and walk with confidence knowing God has a better plan. 
Keep moving and trusting...God bless!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. James 4:10

If you've ever watched many war movies, you see the ground troops fighting the enemy, maneuvering around in hopes of advancing forward. At some point though, the ground troops meet an opposing force that appears to be stronger than themselves....thats when they radio in for air support. When the planes arrive, you see the soldiers ducking down to take cover, as the airplanes bombard the enemy with heavy artillery. Once their fury of ammunition is unleashed, they find the enemy defeated, and the troops can continue their advancement. 

As children of God we face an enemy that is stronger than us and has an artillery of weapons designed to bring us grief and heartache...with feelings of defeat. At times it seems to be unfair that our enemy is so vicious. His goal is to make you question God's faithfulness and goodness. If He can get you to doubt and question God, then you can be easily defeated. 

BUT, in the heat of the battle, that's when you need to call on your spiritual air support, God himself. When you  acknowledge your strength is weak and see defeat on the horizon, you can call on God to help conquer the enemy so you can advance forward in life. Here lately I have felt a barage of flaming arrows from Satan coming at me and I have felt so weakened. But, on my knees and calling out to God, He picked me up and made a way for me to face another day. The struggle is real. We weren't promised an easy life. We have to always surrender our personal pride and say "God I can't do this on my own". He will provide all the air support you need. 

Are you advancing or seeking shelter in today's battles? Humble yourself, call upon the Lord for help and He will respond quickly and stronger than anything Satan can launch your way. God is our defense, our shield and our comforter. Lean on Him daily as you battle the enemy. 
Have a blessed day friend.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Now it was about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. Then the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn in two. Luke 23 - 24 

On the day of Jesus death, the sun was darkened for 3 hours. If you look back in time, you will see the sun was darkened when significant events happened in the bible. It's as if God's anger removed the sunlight from earth. 

This afternoon, thousands and thousands of people will go outside to watch a rare eclipse that will block out the sun for a period of time. If you look around at what's happening in the world, you have to wonder if the end is near. Is Jesus coming back soon to rapture out His children? I believe we are in the end times. Are you ready for eternity? Have you received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? If not, ask Him to forgive you of your sins and receive Him today. 

Jesus took on the sins of mankind and died, then rose again 3 days later...conquering death and sin. As the sun is darkened today, think about what Jesus did to save you and thank Him. Put not your faith in the moon and stars, but in the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the redeemer of mankind.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoiver therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. James 4:4

"I'll leave the door open for you, come on in". How many times have you said that to friends and family you are expecting to come visit you? We welcome their arrival and we don't want to hinder them coming in to our home. Other times its necessary to keep that back door locked so people with bad intentions don't walk in. 

How true for the child of God. We know that the world's ways are toxic to our lives, yet how often do we forget to lock the door to sin and pleasures that counter God's standards? We keep the door open for the Lord and after while we just leave it open. Don't let your guard down, keep a watchful eye and don't let the devil slip in. He finds it easy when we leave our heart open. He will come in and mess up life, robbing you of joy, peace and love. 

You can't leave that door unlocked all the time. You've got to have some control, otherwise the devil will walk in a steal what you've got. Don't allow the world's ways to slip in, close the door to sin and don't give the devil a foothold or open door to your heart. You know God's knock, wait for Him and everything in life will be a rich blessing.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds. Colossians 3:9

One of my favorite things is a Keurig coffee maker. Just slip in your flavor of choice, hit the button and presto...flavored coffee or a special beverage. Every now and then I'll mix it up and change a flavor. Sometimes what I get is bitter and doesn't taste well. Then I have to suffer thru the remaining pods I bought. Overall it's a great invention and the choice of flavor is mine. 

One issue so many have is the sin of lying. A lie is something untruthful, told to either try to protect your reputation, hide some truth or avoid punishment. Lying is not good and can easily turn into a habit. So how can one avoid lying? By being selective in life, choosing the right things in life...your friendships, employment, means for earning money and guarding your conversations. When you choose activities or relationships that are outside God's will, you will be prone to lie to cover up your wrongful ways.

Stop lying before it has an opportunity to bloom into a habit. Walk in total obedience to the Lord so you won't have opportunities to lie, hiding your darker side. When you walk towards the light, there will be no darkness for sin to hide. Stay right, stay true, stay in line with God and the truth will be one of your virtues! Walk in truth today friend. God bless.  

Friday, August 18, 2017

You shall speak My words to them, whether they hear or whether they refuse, for they are rebellious. 
Ezekiel 2:7

Look around you, there are rebellious people everywhere. Sadly, we live in a society where it's all about "self pleasure" and indulgence in sin. From the moment of rebellion against God in the Garden of Eden, til today, sin continues to snowball and takes with it many many lives. As a child of God, what can you do in a culture that lives completely opposite of God's truth?

Live out your faith to its fullest. Through your words, actions, thoughts...everything about your life should resemble a Christ like nature. It's a struggle, trust me I know. And the more you try to live an obedient life, Satan uses everything and everyone to run you off course and lure you away from His goodness. Stay strong in your faith friend. When you are feeling weak in the Spirit, call upon God to strengthen you so you can stand in the face of ridicule and complete opposition. He is faithful to supply all your needs. 

The world is watching you closely, especially if you live out your faith openly. Live it, breath it, and most of all share it with others..."But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you. 1 Peter 3:15. Whether they listen or turn their back, the world still needs to hear about the risen Savior. Share Him today! 
God bless.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Let the lowly brother glory in his exaltation, James 1:9

Ever feel like the quality of your life is well below that of  others? Looking around in comparison, you realize you aren't as successful as others, your still on the lower rung of your career ladder, your neighbors just bought a new car while you are driving a 10 year old vehicle....the list is endless. Experiencing this lowliness can leave one depressed and asking why God hasn't blessed you with a better life. 

Friend, glory in your low position. Gravity, it not only what holds our feet to this planet, it brings people back to reality....all the success and big, expense things can and will fail and crumble. Those who are soaring high in worldly success, will eventually run out of air and succumb to the reality of life's gravitational pull. They have much further to fall, and it will be painful for them. You on the other hand are grounded in your faith and content in your circumstances. The distance between you and the ground is zero...your walking on a firm foundation. 

Put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ. He was homeless yet always had a place to rest, He was without food, but fed through the blessings of others and His life was full of praise and thankfulness. Consider yourself blessed, God is providing for you the essentials...your mansion awaits you in the next life...and it never fades and crumbles. Find joy in your status of life. Your riches and blessings are coming soon! God bless.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Waiting, it's one thing I struggle with on a daily basis. Can you relate? Waiting in the drive thru line and it takes forever it seems to place your order, the receptionist says...have a seat in the waiting room and you sit for what seems hours. Everywhere you go, you will encounter times of wait. Why? Because you know something good will happen after that waiting period. 

If you've been a child of God for any amount of time, you have probably figured out God doesn't always respond instantly. There is a time of waiting until you see results of your prayer request. As frustrating as it may be, it's worth the wait when waiting on God to respond. Why? Because you know He will give you the best response. He loves His children and wants to help and bless them in life. When you lift up your request, He takes it and makes something awesome....far more sweeter than you could have imagined. 

Are you currently sitting in God's waiting room? Have patience my friend, He is preparing the way to respond in the best possible way. Trust me, after 50 years of life I have seen God take a simple request and turn it into something special. He will do the same for you. Be patient, continue to pray during the wait period and keep your eyes open to His hand working in the situation and by all means, thank Him along the way. Your request is next, be patient! God bless.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4

There are days when I look ahead, knowing the challenges that I will face, and I fear them...just wanting to stay home and seek shelter in the confines of my happy place. Ever been there? We know that life doesn't stop and neither the struggles that come upon us from out of nowhere. I've found as you get older it's like swimming can be tiring and the pressure never stops. 

But, as a child of God, we have His Holy Spirit that keeps us going, sustaining us throughout the day and providing sound wisdom when we face choices. From His perspective, He sees what's ahead and will help you navigate safely through the maze of life. Trust Him in all matters and have. the confidence, knowing that nothing we face is bigger than our Lord and Savior‎

What's facing you today? Do the challenges seem to stand over you? They can if you allow them, OR, you can give them up to God and watch Him work in a special way to overcome and become victorious in every battle. 

Walk in confidence knowing your God is bigger than anything you'll ever face. Trust Him always and never give up. God bless. ‎

Monday, August 14, 2017

After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet, and to wipe then with the towel which He girded. John 13:5
A thought occurred to me the other day when I read the story of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. Yes, this was another example of servanthood, which Jesus taught during His 33 years of life. But why display servanthood by washing feet?

I believe He washed their feet to prepare them to share the gospel. You see, the life of Jesus and written accounts of His life were in one small area of the world. No one would know about God's plan of Salvation without someone sharing the gospel. It was up to the disciples to spread the word to reach the lost. 

One of Jesus final instructions before He ascended into Heaven was to spread the gospel too all nations. Mark 16:15. 

Jesus command is the same for His children. Jesus has already washed your feet, and life with His blood. The story of Jesus is up to you to share with others. Spread the good news of Jesus and keep the message spreading into all corners of the world. God bless.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. 
Colossians 1:9

Ever see the need to give someone advice about an issue but uncertain how to approach them...or possibly a communication barrier lies between you and them. Not that I'm full of wisdom, but there are times when I see people on social media or out in the world and I want to offer up some friendly advice. Concerned they might take it the wrong way I just keep to myself. 

But, one thing you and I can do is pray for them. God has a way of taking your prayer request and working His way to impart Godly wisdom to those who need it. I truly believe God wants to hear your request and respond in a way that not only benefits the one receiving Spiritual wisdom, but also brings glory and honor to Him. Transfering our "good intentions" towards others, through devoted prayer, is enhanced when God carries our request and filters it through Himself and touches the life of others. 

The body of Christ needs to pray for one another. If we are going to live a Christ centered life, we must rely on Godly wisdom to help get us through the daily grind of this world. If you know someone who needs some wisdom, pray, pray, pray....for them. Leave it to God to deliver the message in the best way possible. He is good to answer your request! Have a blessed day friends. ‎

Friday, August 11, 2017

And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work."
Revelation 22:12

School has just started. We all need to pray for our children and the teachers who have the responsibility to instruct them throughout the year. What better time than now to remind students that "honors day" will come at the end of the year. It's a day of recognition for student's hard work and achievements. Most kids, and all parents, are excited when they hear their name called out to receive special recognition. Parents....encourage your kids to do well....their reward awaits them at the end of the school year. 

For the child of God, we have a special reward that awaits us in Heaven. Our hard works and great accomplishments, in our walk with the Lord, will not go unrecognized. Knowing this, we should live each day serving the Lord, putting aside our own agenda and allow God to fill it with His will for our life. He has special projects and task that align perfectly with the talents and abilities He has given you. Are you putting them to good use? 

Your reward will be received with honors one day. Although it may seem like a lifetime away, it is coming and our Master has the list of names ready to call out to be recognized for those who have done the hard work...serving the Lord. What will He reward you with on that special honors day? You have the opportunity to excel NOW....serve Him unconditionally and see those recognition crowns grow in size! Serve Him daily friend. God bless.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

   "I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness."
John 12:46

Picture this, a mom, dad and child, all dressed up in nice clothes, preparing to have family pictures taken. As the family walks down a short path to the most photogenic place, the child spots a mud hole, full of standing water, he jumps in with both feet, splattering muddy water all over himself and his parents. The parents stress level just doubled. Has this happened before, you are drawn to mud puddles and given the opportunity, they will jump into the next one they see. 

As Christians, we are journeying to the most photogenic place in life...Heaven. Satan provides mud puddles of sin in our life and constantly entices us to jump in. Will you do it? Our human, fleshly nature wants to jump in and waller around in it. When we do, we splatter the effects of sin onto us and those around us. As one in the "body of Christ" we need to always steer clear of those sinful mud puddles. Tempting as they are, the effects of jumping into sin dirty up our white attire, given to us through Christ.    

The best way to avoid the temptation is to hold Christ's hand every day. He matches the strength of his grip with yours. So as you approach a new mud puddle of sin, He grips your hand tighter so you won't jump. 

Seek out God daily and ask Him to give you strength to withstand the temptation to leap into sinful pleasures. He will do it! Trust Him today, walk in obedience and preserve the beautiful clean garment He has provided you at His expense. Steer clear of the mud puddle of sin! 
God bless.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more. 
Hebrews 8:12

One of the most challenging things as a Christian, is understanding the depth of Christ shed blood for the forgiveness of our sins. The unconditional love He gives us is often tainted with our "conditional" thinking. When we sin, we feel the heaviness of guilt and shame. As a result, we feel unworthy of His love and condemn ourselves, putting us in a useless state for His purpose in our life.  

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9. Confession of sin, on our part, shows God we acknowledge our sinfulness and it opens our heart to allow His grace to clean us up from the inside out! If you are living life, temptation is all around you. In a moment of weakness, you will sin. When this happens, ask God for His forgivenes and keep moving forward....dont let your mistakes hold you back from Godly service. 

What mistakes in life are holding you back from all you can be in Christ? There is a smudge of sin in corner of your life that you have not confessed or ashamed to bring it to God. He loves you and died so you can live eternally with Him. Release the chains of guilt, He has already forgiven you. Receive His grace and walk in the freedom that He has provided you through His great sacrafice. Walk freely today! God bless.  

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

     "Refrain your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears; For your work shall be rewarded, says the Lord, And they shall come back from the land of the enemy.
Jeremiah 31:16

Some of the most troubling times in life come when those we love get "off course", headed in the wrong direction. Their failure to conform to the right way of life, brings painful times of grief and worry. You do all you can to help "right their wrong", but your attempts are futile. Completely drained physically, mentally and spiritually, you drop to your knees and call upon God for help. Have you been there? ‎

The thing you always need to keep in mind is God hears your painful cries and He is already working in your life, and the ones you love. You must surrender your attempts to fix them and trust God as He works in the situation. Yes, your loved one may be so caught up in pride and wrongful living and you wonder if they will come back to their senses. It hurts when you see them going about life all wrong, but trust God and rely on Him to strengthen you. He has a plan for this troubling moment, so don't mess up His plan....if you do, it will bring further chaos. 

Maybe you have a wayward child or family member, making wrong choices. The pain and worry is overwhelming. Been there, so I can tell you...Pray about the situation and trust God. Trusting God is the only thing you have to hold onto in the moment. He will work through it and bring resolution His way. Trust Him in every battle and He will comfort your spirit, dry your tears and bring peace in unpeaceful times of life. 
God bless.

Monday, August 7, 2017

And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.". 
2 Corinthians 12:9

January 28, 1986 the space shuttle Challenger lifted off its launch pad, 73 seconds into its flight a rubber o-ring seal failed, hot gases caught fire, causing a fire and breakup of the shuttle, killing all 7 aboard. How could something so small, cause the destruction to a gigantic spaceship? A detailed investigation revealed NASA engineers had warned the launch team of the freezing temps and it's effect on the o-ring seals. Pressured to make the flight happen, they launched anyways only to find it a failure. As a result, NASA was grounded from flights for 3 years, so they could correct any wrongs.

I've found, in my life, when I fail God and sin, He is able to take those failures and help me correct the wrong so I can resume my spiritual flight. Some of the best mountain top experiences, in my journey with Christ, have launched from the darkest times in my life. His Holy Spirit is provided to help engineer my life so I fly safely....but when I don't listen to that engineer's warning....I crash and burn. 

If you want to have a successful flight with Christ, listen to the voice, His Spirit, He freely gives to every child of God. He sees problems ahead and can help you avoid catastrophy. Listen, act to make necessary changes so you can fly without problems to avoid a spiritual accident.
Have a blessed day.


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

One of my favorite things to do is ride my motorcycle. Most days I'll ride 50-100 miles. To ensure it runs efficiently and not break down along the road, I always use genuine parts  made by the bike's manufacturer. 
One time I used another brand oil filter to save money and I had a difficult time removing it at the next oil change. I ended up taking it to a shop and let them remove it safely. The few dollars I saved on the filter was used up, and more, on the shop fee. Since that time I have never deviated from genuine parts for my bike. 

When you accept Christ into your life, you have His backing of 100 percent, worry free eternal warranty that has no conditions and never expires. To ensure your daily ride runs smooth, it's always best to invest in His ways, following in obedience and trusting the day to His care. When we think we know what's best for us and deviate from His standards, we soon find ourselves broke down along the highway of life. Our deviation from His genuine ways could cost us a lot in our witness and repairs to our spirit take a lot of time. 

Friend, pour yourself into God, trust He knows what's best for your life and never take the world's ways over His. When you stay true to God, your life will always be ready for the daily journey. God bless.  

Friday, August 4, 2017

The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself. Proverbs 11:25

Here in the last week I have joined the ranks of my fellow family members and friends as we take care of my grandmother and her transition from living 98 years in a home to a nursing home facility. I see the labor of love from my mother, who has exhausted everything in herself, including her health to care for the one who has cared for her since birth. Putting her life "on hold" has been the case for many years now. My grandmother is beyond blessed to have a loving daughter who has given her the best care possible. 

Today's verse speaks volumes of being a generous person. Not only in financial resources, but through acts of kindness and expressions of love....even at times when your body is tired and ready to give up, even at times when the receiver of your generosity shows no signs of gratitude and speaks harshly in response. It takes a generous spirit to endure and keep giving when nothing is returned. My mother has been the finest example of this generous soul and spirit. I am so blessed to see living proof of generosity and love through my mom's commitment to care for her mother. 

There will come a time in your life when "self" must be put aside and you will be required to give unconditionally and go that extra mile to help a loved one. Are you equipped for that journey? Like my mom does daily, pray for God to sustain you and help you maintain the right mindset. He will do it if you lean on Him. There is no way my mother could have done all she has accomplished over these years without God's strength, support and His unconditional love. Go the extra mile for others and see your well of life refill with God's blessings ten-fold. Reach out and help someone today. God bless.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. 1 John 4:6

 It seems wherever you go these days you'll find someone who doesn't speak the English language. You overhear them talking in their native language and you wonder what they are saying. Unfamilar to you,  you move on and don't waste your time trying to understand. It can be frustrating for both if the two languages try to communicate with one another. 

How true it is for those who have never accepted Christ. As they encounter a Christian, they get frustrated because they don't understand their reasoning, how they act and talk. It's foreign to them.
2 Corinthians 4:4 states that the "god" (Satan) of this age has blinded those who do not believe. So, as Christians, God expects us to reach out to the lost, how can we communicate with them if they don't understand the words of God? Prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Let me say this, it's NOT YOU who saves someone, it's God. His Holy Spirit comes upon those unbelievers who begin to see the light of Christ. I have never seen an unbeliever accept Christ without His Spirit working in advance of hearing the word. God longs for everyone to come know Him and He works in the lives of everyone to bring about awareness and the realization that they need a Savior.  Some begin to accept this fact and their hearts condition themselves to hear and respond to God's calling. Others, their hearts are like concrete and they refuse to acknowledge the truth. Pray especially for those lost souls. 

Be the example God wants you to be as His representative in this lost and dying world. Pray for those you know who are outside the faith. Through the Lord's work in your life, your conversations with others and your commitment to God using you, those deaf in the Spirit will be able to hear the truth and accept Christ. Keep praying for the lost. 
God bless.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted. Hebrews 2:18

The old saying...."no sense in reinventing the wheel" is very sound. If tasked with a certain assignment, it's always a good idea to see if someone else has worked through it and can provide guidance to get-r-done!

For me, I know the God blesses obedience and it's my goal every day to avoid temptation so I won't sin. Well, that sounds like a great idea, but each day I wake up with good intentions, the devil also has plans to ruin my day. He throws temptations my way every day, all throughout the day, making it a challenge to stay focused. Can you relate? 

So how can we go through each day, trying to live the obedient life God calls us to live? By staying in constant communication with God through the Holy Spirit He gives us. Jesus Christ faced temptation all through His life. He drew upon the power of God to sustain Him and keep His life free from sin. This same God, same power, same victory over sin is available to all of us...if we simply remember to draw upon His power. When we do it with our own strength, we reinvent the wheel of righteous living....and most times we fail when we go at it alone. 

Draw upon the Lord's strength and power to turn from temptation and find blessings rain down on you for your faithful obedience and trust in Him! Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him. Psalm 18:30

 Ever cut grass, trying to cut in a straight line, only to look back and see how crooked your line was? I've done that on several occasions and the bad part is those lines in the grass take time to grow and make the crooked path disappear. 

Walking a straight and forward path in our Christian journey can be just as challenging. Things along the way distract us, looking to the right or left....even behind us, we veer off course. When we pause for a moment to look behind us, whew...we see such a mess of our life, and realize this mess will be obvious to us and maybe others for a while. Embarrased, ashamed and feelings of guilt overwhelm our spirit. How can we continually walk in a straight line as Christians? 

Focusing on a fixed object and heading in that same direction will ensure a straight line. God's word is the very thing that should be centered in our life to provide direction to keep us heading in a straight line. When we put the book down, we take our focus off where we are heading and find ourselves with crooked paths and a spiritual mess. Stay in the word daily and never loose sight of God's instructions for life. They are sound, right and will keep you safe as you journey through life. God bless friends.