Saturday, September 30, 2017

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Years ago, Nike had a slogan "Just Do It". Their campaign encouraged people to get out there and run, exercise and enjoy life...and wear their products. It was a good idea...even today I hear people say "just do it"!  

Today, let me encourage you to "Do Right"! God gave each of us specific talents and abilities to serve Him and be a blessing to others. He provides each of His followers a specific path to follow and serve Him along the way. As opportunities arise to "do right", He leaves us the free-will to chose....are we going to be obedient or turn our back on an opportunity to do right. He loves us enough to give us the freedom to act in obedience. 

As you go through this day and all the tomorrow's, chose to Do Right. Do the right things in life. Listen for His voice to help guide you in doing right, living right and blessing others through acts of service. Trust me, He has aligned your day to follow Him....Do Right and follow in faithful obedience and be blessed. God bless friend.  

Friday, September 29, 2017

to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. 
Ephesians 3:19

One of my favorite times of the year is Thanksgiving and all the delicious food served on this special holiday. I remember, as we ate, mom would always say..."leave room for desert"! Not only would she spend hours preparing a delicious meal, she would also bake several  deserts for us to enjoy. Although a challenge, I always left just enough room in my stomach for desert! :)

As Christians, we have so many opportunities to fill our lives with the good things in this world. Hobbies, work, special events, church activities...even food. All of these things are good, but make sure you have room for God in your life. Some of the most stressful times in my life have been when I was full of everything else but God. Over time I noticed my church attendance would wane, tithing dried up and acts of service to the Lord ceased. In return, God's blessings also ceased. As a result, I would realize I was filling my life with all the wrong things and changed my ways back to God. 

Save room for God. He wants to be involved in all aspects of your life...everything. And when you make it a priority to feed from His offerings, life will have more meaning and purpose. Get your fill of God and enjoy His blessings everyday. Have an awesome day friend.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

And behold, there was a certain man before Him who had dropsy. But they kept silent. And He took him and healed him, and let him go. Luke 14:2 & 4. 

A while back a video surfaced on youtube. A big buck had its antlers caught up in a fence and couldn't escape. Two men carefully worked around the wild buck to free it...otherwise it would most likely have injured itself and died.  Thankfully the men's actions freed the buck and it scampered off. 

As God's followers, we can get caught up in the snares Satan puts in front of us. These relationships or circumstances seem innocent, but once they get us hooked, it's difficult to escape. Left to our own strength, we will soon become spiritually ill and hinder God's work in our life. Today's passage clearly states what Jesus can do. When we are caught in the snares of this world, Jesus comes to our rescue and untangles the barbs from our heart so we can move freely again. Strongholds are Satan's greatest weapons against the child of God. 

Something or someone in life got you tangled in an emotional bondage that seems to have no means of escape? Trust me I've been there!!! Call upon the Lord to free you of your spiritual bondage so you can walk freely in His bountiful grace. He is faithful and just and will heal you. Just remember, it may take months to untangle the mess, so NEVER give up praying. Ask a friend to pray for you. Life is no easy path, and Satan wants to keep you bound up. Trust in God and call upon Him when tangled....He will respond. God bless.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

And I have declared to them, Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them. John 17:26

Today's blog is a little different today. After reading the scripture above, I want you to stop what you are doing for several minutes and pray for one or several people that come to mind.....whatever God lays on your heart...Pray for them. You might not know their need, but God does and He is looking for faithful followers to pray for one another. Jesus prayed for you just prior to His death on the cross. He loved you enough to pray for you, so be obedient this morning and pray for others. 

One special prayer request...Pray for the people of Puerto Rico. The island was totally destroyed by Hurricane Irma and conditions are very dire. They, and others impacted by this destructive hurricane, need prayers for relief and sustainment. Pray on....God bless.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. . John 14:27


Have you ever known someone with a dynamic personality, once they walk into the room, the whole atmosphere changes? It seems like someone turned on some bright lights in a darkened room, and everyone had a good feeling. I know a handful of people like that and it’s a joy when I cross their path.


In this world, we will encounter trouble….its biblical John 16:33. Sickness, conflict, sleepless nights…the list is endless. Things in life can disrupt our peace and comfort.  Jesus never promised His children they would be free from difficulty. But God! Jesus is like that dynamic person who comes into the room. Once you allow Jesus to take hold of your difficulty, He mysteriously changes the atmosphere of hurt, fear and restlessness TO healing, confidence and peace. Jesus promises to always be with us…even to the bitter end of life. You can always trust Him in all matters of life.


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. As a child of God, you can claim victory over anything that troubles you. Believe me, I’ve walked through some troubling times, yet had a total peace in the middle of the storm. You can too, if you simply TRUST JESUS with your life and your concerns. He has overcome the world, and He will help you overcome your worries and troubles. Trust Him today! God bless!!!!

Monday, September 25, 2017

A fool vents all his feelings

But a wise man holds them back.

Proverbs 29:11


I’ve noticed here lately that people have become more “sensitive” to things, beliefs and traditions. Most of these sensitivity issues seem to be coming from the younger generation. My generation and older ones have lived with these things, beliefs and traditions for years and years. For me and I’m sure others my age, want to voice our disappointment and make a mockery of these young souls who have voiced their sensitivity issues, concerns and fears. 


Today’s verse spoke to my heart this morning. We all have opinions about everything in life. If we, as grownups, expect the younger generation to look up to us, we have to be careful with our words.

A black eye last only a week, insensitive words can last a lifetime! Our inner thoughts voiced to a new and changing generation can disrupt the continuity of generations living together. Let’s face it….this new generation will be taking care of us when we get older…….don’t bite the hand that feeds you!


Now, I truly believe we should NEVER compromise our beliefs, values and never waiver from what the bible says. As children of God, it’s our duty to preserve the integrity of God’s word. When faced with anything that counters God’s word, we should boldly stand in opposition, yet speak in a respectful way.


We all have something to say….some things are better left unsaid….and by speaking silence, we will be more powerful than speaking painful and resentful words to our peers. Use your words wisely and let God lead you as you live out a Christ centered life! God bless!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him. John 14:7


Have you ever found yourself talking to someone you wanted to meet, yet at the time you did not know it was them? The conversation goes on and on then wham, their identity is revealed, it’s a relief and awkward at the same time.


In today’s passage, Jesus Christ revealed to His disciples that He was God in the flesh. Can you imagine if you were one of those hearing Jesus words? I’m sure most of us would find that hard to believe, especially in this day and time. But, we know from scripture its true. As Christians, we can know God through acceptance of Jesus Christ life, his death on the cross for mankind’s sins, then rose from death 3 days later to claim victory over death and sin. God himself prepared the ultimate sacrifice for sin through Jesus Christ.


Do you know Him? Believing that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, that He died for your sins and mine, and through acceptance of Him into your life is the only way to guarantee eternity in Heaven. “Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6  God did the hard part because He loves us all……wont you accept His free gift of Salvation today? Ask Him to come into your heart, forgive you of your sins, trust in Him daily and know you are saved for eternity! Knowing Jesus Christ is knowing God, know Him today! God bless!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him. 
Daniel 2:22

‎One of the Federal agencies that works to protect the United States is the CIA. The Central Intelligence Agency. Their job is to know what our enemies are up to. The information they process, on a daily basis, helps determine threat levels from other countries and individual terrorist groups. Thankfully the CIA is very active in the world and have thwarted many attacks on the US since 9/11. 

As a Christian, we can rely on God to provide us safety from the enemy's schemes and attacks. God knows the enemy and He provides us His Holy Spirit to guide and direct our path so we can avoid satanic attacks or minimize spiritual injury when satan launches one of his flaming arrows at our life. Satan can cause much chaos and turmoil, But God's wisdom is greater and by relying on His knowledge of the enemy, we can walk in confidence knowing our steps are safe and secure in the Lord.  

The enemy seeks to bring harm and fear into your life. Avoid the unnecessary attacks by listening to the Holy Spirit and trust His direction for your life. He knows the enemy well and will provide you a safe haven if you heed His advice. Trust and obey the Spirit today. 
God bless.

Friday, September 22, 2017

For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. 
Romans 7:15

 Today's verse shares Paul's struggle with sin. He wanted to do the right thing, yet those same sins kept popping back up in his life. Like a hand sliding into a glove, he slid straight into the same sinful ways over and over. The bible is full of stories of people who struggled with sin and repeated sin. I have yet to meet anyone perfect, so I'm sure the struggle is real for you as it is me. So what can we do? 

Take a moment and write down this verse: "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:13. God is always with His followers. And this verse is proof that He is with us at all times, even when we face temptations. He will help you escape the temptation if you simply surrender it to Him. 

The next time those temptations come your way, pull out this verse and read it, then pray and ask God to help you walk away. God blesses obedience and He will reward you for turning to Him and not Satan in your moment of decision. Who will you follow....satan or God? Follow God and find life more rewarding and full of blessings. The struggle is real, but with God all things are possible...even overcoming sin. God bless.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

And a cloud came and overshadowed them; and a voice came out of the cloud saying, "This is My beloved Son. Hear Him.". Mark 9:7

In today's passage, Jesus took three of His disciples up on a mountain and there before them "transfigured" Himself. His clothing was whiter than anything they had seen and He was glowing in His greatness. What a magnificent sight to behold. Just one more experience, proving His true identity. Although his disciples didn't quite understand all the pieces of the puzzle, they soon would, following His death and resurrection. 

For today's Christian, we know who Jesus is and what He did for mankind. The question for His children today you hear Him? Many people I talk with say they struggle to hear Him. The business of life and struggles that worry us are often the stumbling blocks that hinder our ability to hear Him. Trust me friend, He is still speaking to His followers. It's important to put Him first in your life, so you can hear him well. He speaks to me in my mind, through His Holy word and in conversations I have with other people. Just the other day, in the mountains, God used a sweet Christian couple to speak to me about an issue I was struggling through.

He is speaking, do you hear Him? If not, ask Him to help you clear out those things that plug your ears and mind so you can hear Him effectively. He will talk with you throughout the day if you keep an open ear to His voice. And what He has to say is beneficial. Jesus does not give us useless chatter, it's clear, direct and to the point. Hear Him today, He is speaking loud and clear and He wants to give you nuggests of widsom and encouragement each day. God bless.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10

There is power in names. We all like to associate with certain name brands of clothing, restaurants, vehicles, home builders, even churches. We trust in a certain name and we rely on them for quality, dependability and oftentimes they provide us a certain"status" among our friends and family. 

What name do you like to associate? For me, it's the Lord! He has been my everything, my strong tower...never wavering..always there ready to provide me strength when I'm weak, protection from the enemy, and wisdom when facing choices in life....and those choices never go away...they keep coming. 

If you are looking for a name you can trust, trust in the Lord. He never goes bankrupt, you will never find corruption in Him, the more you devote yourself to Him, the more blessings you receive. Most of all, He is the very example of unconditional love and faithfulness. When every other name is failing people, His name is above all names, and His name is one you can cling to for eternity. Trust in the Lord today! God bless.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? 
Psalm 27:1

When someone breaks their leg, they rely on crutches to support their weight so they can walk, when an elderly person can't walk on their own they rely on a walker, when someone with a permanent disability can't stand they rely on a body brace to keep them standing. These various tools, that help people stand and move, are necessary as a person continues to live life. 

Today's verse says it all..."The Lord is the strength of my life." I can't tell you the number of times I've had to go through circumstances in life where the odds were against me...spiritual attacks, financial worries, job related stress, relational turmoil and weakening faith....I've faced these crises and more in life. At times I have been drained mentally, physically, even spiritually....but God! When I was weak, He was strong. By placing my burdens in His hands, He lifted me up from the weight of my troubles and helped me stand and continue to walk forward in life. God clearly knows the struggle is real, His Son, Jesus Christ, faced it all and was faithful through His entire life....trusting in the Father's promise to never leave nor forsake Him. 

Are you faced with a burden so heavy, you feel anchored and can't move? Break the chains of bondage by giving it to God and He will lift that weight from your shoulders. The problem might not go away, but it won't keep you disabled in life. He will be your crutch when it hurts to take another step, He will be your walker when your walk is not steady and He will be your body brace when you can't stand on your own. He can be the strength of your life if you allow Him to...simply pray and ask for His help. Trust me friend, He will help you. Call on Him today. 
God bless.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Judge not, that you be not judged. "For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. 
Matthew 7:1-2

Do you ever catch yourself looking at someone and sizing them up by their looks and actions? We, as humans, can get caught up in this cycle of judging others and use our life as a measuring tool to determine a person's self worth. It's easy to see the faults in someone, often overlooking our personal shortfalls. 

Today's verse, quoted by Jesus Christ himself, gives warning to not judge and by the measure we judge others, we too will be judged. Instead of judging others, it's better to look for opportunities to help the misguided and pray for them. God did not create everyone equal, therefore you know there are those who differ greatly from you. They may never have had the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ. Now is the moment for you to take action and share or atleast cover them in prayer. 

Are you guilty of judging? None of us are worthy to judge another living soul. Our part, as a child of God, is to love others, help those in need and share the gospel truth to those who are walking blindly in this world. Let's replace judging and opinions with love and concern for our fellow man. Reflect the love of God to everyone and leave the judging up to Him. God bless.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Better is a little with righteousness, Than vast revenues without justice. 
Proverbs 16:8

Shortcuts, something well all like to take, especially when it comes to shortening our drive time, producing something faster or getting ahead by avoiding a few steps in our career path. Although the shortcut may seem good at the moment, there could be negative side effects. Always weigh out the positives and negatives when choosing shortcuts in life. 

The same is true in the life of a child of God. Every day we are faced with decisions to do this, go here, partake in that. Sometimes those choices we have to make involve short cutting God's approval or will for our life. You may find yourself saying..."well if I do this very thing that God might not approve, yet ill be in church Sunday...He will be ok with it". When a Christian find it easy to shortcut their life from living by God's standards, they loose thier focus on righteousness and after while decisions are made so far away from God's path that His voice is no longer heard. Leaving that lost child vulnerable to satanic attack. 

There is only one way and it's the path of righteousness. There are NO shortcuts when it comes to doing the right things in life. What decisions are facing you today? Ask God to help you stay on the straight road of righteousness so you don't falter in your walk with the Lord. 
Have a blessed day!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name. John 1:12

In one of my leadership classes we took part in an exercise on communication. One person told the person next them them a simple message and that message was to be passed along to each person in the class. By the time it was received by the last person, the message had become distorted and almost opposite of its original statement. 

Whew! How true it is when people start to form their own ideas about what's necessary to become a child of God. Although the bible speaks clearly on the one simple thing necessary, yet the message gets distorted and almost becomes unattainable for some people. Believing in Jesus Christ and that He died for the sins of mankind, asking for His forgiveness and trusting Him with your life. That's it! Nothing you can do on your own will earn you a residence in heaven. 

Do you believe in His name? Have you asked Him to come into your life? Put aside your idea of "works" and simply believe, accept and trust Him. The message is simple and it's written in God's word. Believe it today. 
God bless.  

Friday, September 15, 2017

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, who the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring your remembrance all things that I said to you. John 14:26

People in high positions often have an "assistant", someone who takes care of all the little things in their life so they can focus on the "big picture." As time goes on, that personal assistant learns their bosses ways and knows exactly what to do before he or she requests it. Wouldn't it be nice to have a personal assistant? 

As a child of God, we have a personal assistant to help us each day in our journey through life.  The Holy Spirit lives inside of every believer. He is constantly watching and monitoring our life and provides wisdom when necessary, whispers in our heart when we loose our focus on God and reminds us of God's promises from scripture in the bible. Every morning, before I start my day at work, I walk around my office and pray for my staff, I ask God to give me wisdom to make right decisions and whisper in my ear the things I need to focus on throughout the day. I can tell you the Holy Spirit works for me and He will do the same if you learn to rely on Him for support every day. 

Before you start the day, thank God for giving you His Spirit and ask Him to provide sound wisdom, whisper in your heart the things you need to know and address, and ask Him to go ahead of you to take care of the little nuisances, so you can focus on the "big picture"! He will do it. Trust your personal assistant, He has your back! 
God bless.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20

Twice a year our clocks have to be changed, forward in the Spring, back in the Winter. When it comes to changing it in my vehicle I always stumble through the process, trying to remember what to do. Eventually after several frustrating attempts to get it right, I'll get out the owners manual and read how to do it. That works every time. Aferwards I ask myself....why didn't I just follow the book? 

For the child of God, walking down the straight path of righteousness in this darkened world is no easy task. All around us is enticement to sin and get us off track so our focus is on the world and not Christ. Can you relate? Most days I feel the world tugging on me, like a child pulling thier parent's hand to get them to buy something in the store. 

But there is help! We have available to us the Holy Spirit, who lives in us. Although our human body walks in this world, we have the Spirit of Christ at the core of our being. Are you focusing on Him or the world? If you are not focused on the Spirit, you are most likely veering off the path frequently. This fleshly body is prone to sin and it wants to jump at the world's opportunities to indulge in sinful pleasures. Take your eyes off the world and focus on God. 

Another tool God gives us is His word. That instruction manual that helps us in every situation of life. You no longer have to figure it out...its in the book. Study it, draw from its wisdom and grow in your faith. 

God gave us His Spirit and His book. Apart from Him you can do nothing (John 15:5) fruitful in life and miss all the blessings He has available to you if you simply remain obedient. Use His tools and draw upon their power and wisdom and you will see your daily life more Christ focused and fewer moments of struggling thru life...trying to figure it out. Walk closely with Him today. God bless.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Hurricane Irma is now just a swirl of clouds; all its fierceness has left  and soon will be just a memory. This storm will be one to remember, and many Emergency Management officials will meet to discuss what went right and wrong in planning for the storm and actions taken to help those in need after the storm. It's always good to reflect after an event such as this so you can be prepared for the next one. 

So true for the Child of God following a life storm, we need to stop and reflect on God's goodness and thank Him for His working hand. Every life storm, weather it be a job loss, accident, loss of a loved one or even a severe weather event such as Irma. God works in every storm of life. We should always look for Him in those events and remember His goodness so when the next event comes, we'll recall how He supplied us with the necessary tools and strength to survive it. 

Here comes the next storm, are you prepared? Trust God in every storm, recalling how faithful He was to take care of your every need. Be still and know that I am God! 
Have a blessed day my friend.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. Proverbs 24:10

The best way to know the strength of your faith is to put it to the test. When trials come, how do you respond? Does fear, anger, or rebellion surface at the moment of conflict? If so, maybe you need to grow your spiritual muscles. 

One of the best training tools for faith strengthening is studying the bible. "A wise man is strong, Yes a man of knowledge increases strength". Proverbs 24:5. 

God's  word is the Christian's source of wisdom and provides guidance for every situation in life. The wisdom it provides will teach you to trust God, respond to conflict in a Christ like manner and give you courage to stand in front of the enemy.  But, you won't strengthen your faith if you don't read it every day. 

Wars are not won by weapons, but by the wisdom of leaders who know how to use weapons to strategically fight the enemy. Your enemy, the devil, has some good tactics, but he doesn't stand a chance when you gain wisdom and with God's help. Read His word and grow those spiritual muscles so you can respond in Christlike manner. It's a spiritual warfare, trust the good book to guide you. God bless.

Monday, September 11, 2017

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.  Romans 8:28


One of my favorite things to bake is banana bread. The secret is to use very ripe bananas. Although they might look bad, the riper the banana, the better the banana bread! You know life seems to work out like that as well. The old saying…someone give you lemons, make lemon aide makes a lot of sense. Its easy to get caught up in the negative side of things, but the best way to cope is always look at the positive.


Our spiritual journey will often face challenges that test our faith. An illness, betrayal of a friend, wrongly accused…it’s an endless list of things that can be painful and frustrating….at times push you to the limits of sanity! But, God finds a way to take something so wrong and make it right in your life if you stay spiritually in tune with Him! It’s easy to get upset about something or with someone….but what if you took a different approach and said each time you were offended or hurt….”OK GOD, WHAT SWEET THING ARE YOU COOKING UP FOR ME NOW”? When you turn your anger into curiosity and your pain into anticipation, you take your mind off the negative and look towards the future with excitement, not regret!


God knows what He is doing. He allows ripe events to come into your life to help sweeten the mix and make something special out of what might seem a negative situation. Trust Him in everything and look forward to what He is cooking up for your pleasure. His recipe always turns out perfect! God bless!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, On those who hope in His mercy.

Psalm 33:18


A hurricane can be very powerful and destructive. The winds whirling around the center can reach speeds that destroy a building, flip a vehicle or flatten trees with ease. But inside that storm, called the “eye”, is a calm, clear sky with very little wind and no rain. It’s interesting that a powerful and destructive storm can have an element of calm in its center.


As a child of God, you will face storms in life. They come in a variety of ways, and they can be destructive to your life and those around you, no doubt. But, when you center your focus on the Lord, you find yourself under the protective care of God, His eye is upon you, showering you with peace and a calm like no other. I have seen fellow believers go through tragedies that would flatten the strongest person, yet, with God’s mercy and grace, they are able to stand tall and find that calming peace that only God can provide.


As you face the next storm in your life, focus your attention on the Lord and not the circumstances of the storm. Find comfort, peace and protection from the destruction when you center your life under His watchful eye! Jesus quieted the storms He encountered with just a few words and He will do the same for you! Find peace in the middle of the storm, keep your focus on the Lord! God bless!

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Indeed, let no one who waits on You be ashamed; Let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause. 
Psalm 25:3

The doctors office, an appointment at the bank, the check out line at the grocery store....what is a common occurrence?  Waiting! In today's society, the "wait" is a killer. Just one minute can seem like a lifetime. When we try to speed things up, negative things happen....tempers flare, wrongful words are said, misdirection of purpose becomes an issue....the list can go on. Patience is the only way to keep yourself in check. Something I personally struggle with on a daily basis. 

As a child of God, you have probably figured out God does not move according to your schedule. As much as we'd like Him to speed up, He has a steady stride that never changes. Steady as she goes thru the various circumstances in life. When we get overly excited, we rush ahead of Him, placing us in a vulnerable place. The further we run ahead, the less likely we are to hear His voice of wisdom...leaving us vulnerable to other voices and influences. As a result, we make poor choices and can tarnish our reputation, bring on stress and cause a lot of heartache to ourselves and the people around us. 

Want each day to be a good one? Walk in step with the Lord. Don't rush ahead of His goodness! Keep in step with Him and you will find life a little less stressful and the people around you will find you calm in the middle of the storm. Something I'm going to work on myself. Take a step in the right direction with Jesus. 
God bless.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am in trouble; My eye wastes away with grief, Yes, my soul and my body. 
Psalm 31:9

As I awake and see the news of Hurricane Irma now heading my way, many many thoughts run through my mind as to what I need to do to prepare. In addition, random thoughts of "what if" play out, consuming my mind. Then at a pause, I remember to tell God of my worries and concerns. 

How often have you faced a crises which consumed all of your thoughts? Then at the last minute when the wave of adversity darkens your world you call out to God. Start praying in advance of the storm friend. Never all your brain to go into over drive, trust in the Lord. Tell Him you are facing trouble, He hears you and desires that you include Him in your every day plans, not at the last minute when everything is crashing all around. 

I ask that everyone reading this blog, start today, pray for God's hand of protection. We know there will be great destruction, but ask God to spare those who will be engulfed in this monster hurricane. If you are in the path, ask God to give you wisdom to prepare properly and have everything ready when it hits. Praise Him in the storm. Praise is what gives your prayers more voice as it calls out to God. Stay safe my friend and trust in God with every storm of life. God bless.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

 He who trust in his riches will fall, But the righteous will flourish like foliage. Proverbs 11:28

Greed, it takes over your life and centers your focus on pleasing self either through financial gain or personal pleasures. As greed grows, it consumes every area of your life, including your ability to reason between right and wrong. I read about a young couple in my area that were caught up in greed for money. They eventually found themselves committing criminal acts to gain more at the expense of others. 

Greed is a dangerous thing. Our enemy, Satan, knows exactly what each of us desires. Without God's help to keep our wants and desires in check, we too could possibly cross the ethical line of the law for personal gain. What are your desires? Do they line up with God's will for your life? If not, you are vulnerable to Satan's luring you  into wrongful ways to gain more. 

Ask God to keep your life in check. He  provides what's necessary. Count your blessings and pursue righteous living over worldly greed and lustful passions. God will bless you for your obedience.

I wrote a brief poem about what this couple possibly went through to get where they are today. Be cautious in your passion for more.....
How could this be, 
charged with a crime we couldn't have committed. 
How did we get here,
where did we go wrong? 
Times were tough,
if we could just get ahead. 
One way, no way,
let's try it once. 
How easy
the financial gain.  
The future looked bright,
once again satisfied until...
it consumed us. 
Forgive us,
we can't stop the rush. 
Caught without excuse,
brought to a halt. 
How did we get here,
charged with a crime we couldn't have committed.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the whiles of the devil. 
Ephesians 6:11

When it's rainy, we put on a rain coat and rubber boots; when it's cold we put on a winter coat and insulated boots and when it's sunny we put on a hat and clothing that protects from the suns damaging rays. We have available to us clothing for every weather event. 

As children of God, we are Satan's enemy and he seeks to bring misery and rob us of joy through various trials and tribulations. The bad things in life, I believe, can be traced back to Satan. So knowing this, we should take God's advice from today's scripture and armor up for each day's battle. It is a battle every day. Satan's warfare tactics are good and he knows our vulnerabilities and that's where he aims his firey arrows. Guard up. Continue reading in Ephesians 6:14-18 for the articles of armor that must be worn if you are to protect every area of your life. 

Are you suited up? Pray to God throughout the day, say the name of Jesus out loud for Satan to hear...he can't stand to hear Jesus name....Jesus defeated Satan on the cross with His death and resurrection 3 days later. Defend and protect your life so you can be ready for Godly service. God can't use you when you are injured from yesterday's battle. Stay suited up in armor and lean on God for help in every battle in life. God bless!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The righteous God wisely considers the house of the wicked, Overthrowing the wicked for their wickedness. 
Proverbs 21:12

As a child of God, you may know someone who doesn't have Christ in their life, yet life seems to be good to them...big house, expensive cars, successful living and always happy. Then you look at your life and not see the "easy life". Every day is a struggle and at times you feel like you are ready to just give in. 

God sees everyone and everything. He knows who His followers are and those who reject His free gift of salvation. Although they may seem to have it all....there behind closed doors lives a family without eternal security and headed down the path of eternal condemnation. Put not your envy in these people, their day of doom will soon be upon them. 

Your responsibility is to live out your faith every day and use the blessings God gave you in a wise manner. Pray for those outside the faith and if the opportunity presents itself...share the good news of Jesus Christ. You have something far more valuable than the rich and famous lifestyle. You have eternal security...very few people have these days. 

Pray for the lost and find ways to share God blessings with those in abundance. Your good and loving deeds will be treasured more than any new car or home they possess. 
Share God's word today. God bless.

Monday, September 4, 2017

From the end of the earth I will cry to you, when my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2

 Yesterday two children drown at the lake I work. Please pray for the families affected by this tremendous loss. I can't imagine the pain and sorrow they are experiencing. 

Unfortunate things happen in life and we don't understand, we question God..."why". Although God is never a part of the tragedy, He is part of the process to take a horrific situation and turn it into something positive. What good could come out of this situation will only be felt by those who experience God's blessings in this situation.

One thing I can assure you, God never moves! He is always there, even in the middle of crises. He is our rock, our comforter and strength when everything in us has drained out. Trust that God is doing something special in the lives affected by this tragedy. That's where faith and trust in God is put to the test. He never fails to deliver. 

Prayers for this family. Trust God, even in the wake of bad times, good things will blossom from the seeds of these two precious children carried home by the Lord. 
God bless.  

Saturday, September 2, 2017

He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength. Isaiah 40:29

As I get older, I encounter times of tiredness and my body wants to sleep. Yet, I still have 4-6 more hours in the what I do sometimes is consume a small bottle of 5 hour energy drink. This potent liquid energizes my mind and body so I can keep going a little while longer. 

Something even more powerful is the act of prayer. When you have been beaten and tossed around by various circumstances of life, you feel zapped of energy and hope seems to wane. One prayer can empower the weakest of spirits and make all things new again. Oh but I've prayed and nothing seems to happen you say....check your level of faith in God. You ask, and yet doubt He will answer. Doubting God will yield a non response from Him. If you ask, He expects you to be ready to recieve His blessing. 

If you are weak and worn out by the storms of life, call out to God and expect Him to respond. It might not always be the way you planned, but the power and strength He provides will be enough to help get you through, yet just enough to keep you humble, realizing your strength comes from Him and not you. Call on Him for help today and expect Him to respond! He will do it!
 Keep the faith.

Friday, September 1, 2017

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
1 Corinthians 13:11

There is such a nugget of wisdom in today's verse. As Christians, we are a child of God. At the beginning of our faith, we stumble and fall in our actions and words...often failing God in devotion to Him. But over time, God continues to pick us up and encourage us to continue our path forward. As a result, our steps become easier and our faith grows in Him. 

Seasoned children have the steps down, no doubt, but we need to be careful we don't walk towards danger. As a child, we learned things are "hot" and don't touch...God also warns us about things in this world that are "hot" and we should avoid them at all cost. God allows us free will to "go". Which way are you going? 

Every day we need to evaluate our walk and ensure we are not following after the world and it's "thinking". We have the freedom to choose, yet our decisions, thoughts and actions should always be based upon God's wisdom. The only way to grow wise is to read and heed His word and voice. By doing so we show our spiritual age and maturity level in our faith and devotion to Him. Are you maturing each day or resorting back to your early spiritual journey? Ask God to mature and grow you. He will allow events in your life to test your knowledge and challenge your faith. Follow Him always in complete obedience and your maturity will be revealed in your daily life. Grow in Him. 
God bless.