Monday, June 4, 2018

As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 1-3:12

As Christians, I believe our greatest hindrance to serving God is our memory. We can never seem to get past our mistakes, failures and times we’ve displeased God by some terrible choices made in life. Those memories creep up every time we are asked to do something for the church or God calls us to speak to someone about His grace. Without hesitation, our mind churns up the past and we don’t feel worthy of serving the Lord. I can tell you Satan has been whispering in your ear and its time to put that crusty crab in the trash!

As a child of God your past sins are forgotten (as today’s verse states) and your future sins have been covered by the blood of Christ. There is no big mistake that will remove you from the lambs book of life John 10:28. The struggle to live for Christ can be a challenge in this sinful world, but you must continue in obedience and turn from sin. How do you do that? Removing those things, habits and people who poison your Christian walk. There is NO ONE and NOTHING worth enjoying if it causes you to step outside of God’s perfect plan for your life! Whew…good reminder for myself.

Begin today by turning aside from the things of this world and focus on God and His plan for your life. He has cleaned the pathway before you with His great sacrifice so you can serve Him without guilt and shame. Walk towards Christ everyday and you will reflect His light into the world around you! God bless!

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