Monday, June 25, 2018

But Moses hands became heavy; so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. And Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. Exodus 17:12

In the news I’ve read about many suicides, from Hollywood to our hometown, no one is immune from this horrific decision to end life. I personally know of someone who took their life as it hit so close to home. Whose to blame? So often people will say that the person was self-centered to take their own life and not think about their loved ones they left behind.

After the loss of my co-worker years ago, we all discussed the days, months and even a year leading up to this tragic event. We all saw little signs over time, yet didn’t give it much attention. Sadly, there was no tomorrow to offer help, no moment to hug this person and say I love you, none, its finished. Three days later he was buried, and left everyone asking what they could have done.

Friends, we have to watch out for one another. In today’s busy world, we let social media and phones navigate our lives. We become so "self-centered" by relying on technology, but technology has no feelings, no emotions, no sympathy or understanding. It just keeps moving along and we keep following with our blinders on. We MUST take our eyes off the world and watch out for one another. Make that call, give that hug, lift someone up in prayer and let them know you care.

I’ll never forget a phone call I received from a friend at one of the lowest points of my life. That one call lifted my spirits and helped steady my soul so I could continue to stand. Covered by his prayers, and prayers of friends I came through the difficulty strengthened and changed forever.

I encourage you to always keep your heart open to love on someone who needs it. They might not be very close to you, might even be someone you don’t like. Love on them anyhow, just like Christ, who died on the cross, asking God to forgive them. No other love can be found on earth than the love of Christ. That same power to love is inside you through the Holy Spirit. Share that today with those in need. Strengthen the weak through your Christ like actions of love, care and encouragement. God bless!

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