Wednesday, June 27, 2018

You rule the raging of the sea; When its waves rise, You still them. Psalm 89:9

I watched a movie the other night about 6 men who were sailing across the Pacific. One early morning, while they slept, a rouge wave came along and capsized their sailboat, putting them upside down, yet still floating. Although it was challenging situation, their confidence that someone would come to their rescue sustained them.

Oftentimes we go through life sailing freely and enjoying life, then out of nowhere a rogue event hits us, tumbling and tossing us around like clothes in a dryer, leaving us confused, hurt, feeling overwhelmed and many times helpless. No doubt we need help, and hopefully it will come quickly.

I can tell you the first on my notification list is God. He has the power to calm any storm, yet so often He allows the storm to continue, but my confidence in knowing He is with me always, sustains my peace and enhances my joy. Why? Because I know His promises in the bible, I have experienced these storms before and know that He has allowed them for a reason and the end result is something better than I could have ever imagined.

Maybe you are going through a difficult situation today, feeling hurt, overwhelmed and helpless. Stop right now and pray, asking God to help you in your time of trouble, provide you that calming peace and sustained joy as you trust in His ways and know the outcome will be for your benefit! God loves you and has plans for your life. Trust Him on sunny days and stormy conditions…your life is in His hands! God bless!

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