Tuesday, June 19, 2018

For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. 1 John 3:11

Love! Its powerful, life changing and will make us do anything for the one we treasure the most. Who do you love the most?

Today’s passage doesn’t tell us to “like” someone, no, it says to love one another. Loving others takes work. There is the human side of us that has difficulty getting past our hurts, disappointments and we can easily hold grudges. When you hold a grudge, you hold back God’s love from flowing freely out to those who really need the love of God in their life. Hold back God’s love makes you part of their problem. The love of God can change ANY heart, so never hold back what God has freely given you, His love, His grace, His all!

As a child of God, your life should display the character traits of Christ. He gave His all, right up to the His last breath on the cross. Love forgives, love goes against all logic, love overcomes pain and persecution, love is necessary if others are to experience what Christ has done in your life. Who do you love the most? I hope the answer is everyone, for God’s word calls us to love all. Find it in your heart today to love everyone, even your enemies. By doing so you display the love of Christ to a world who needs more love, grace and forgiveness! God bless!

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