Thursday, June 21, 2018

When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever. Proverbs 10:25

Ever have a period in your life when you feel like there is a dark cloud hovering over you? Everything in your life seems to be in turmoil, nothing good appears to be happening and your body is exhausted from the waves of adversity. Can you relate?

I truly believe that God brings storms in our life to help clear out those things and people that need to be gone. Why does He allow this? Because He wants to have your complete attention. He most likely has a new course for you to chart and your willingness to trust Him is all He’s asking for as He clears out the path before you. Some things and people need to be removed because they either are a hindrance to your life or you are trusting in them more than God.

Maybe today you have a dark cloud hovering over head and your worries seem to be more than blessings. Look to God for wisdom, direction and trust Him as He clears your path for calmer waters. God’s plan is always best and He needs you to trust Him for the journey ahead. God bless!

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