Monday, June 11, 2018

For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. Romans 7:15

Have you ever climbed a mountain? I have, and I can say its fun, challenging and yet takes every ounce of strength and determination to keep going when your body says turn around. The struggle is in the elevation. As you climb higher, the oxygen level decreases, making your muscles ache and cramp, hard to breath and less oxygen to the brain can mess up your reasoning.  The goal is the top of the mountain, you have to keep that in mind as you continue upward.

For the child of God, have you wanted to be on top spiritually? Maybe you have visions of living free of sin and temptation, having peace in your life and abundant joy. The struggle to live a righteous life is clearly stated in today’s passage by Paul. He knew how he should live, yet the higher he climbed spiritually, he was met with more temptations and battles that challenged every ounce of his being. His weak flesh gave in to temptation and sin. Unfortunately, our bodies weren’t made to easily overcome those hindrances to living a Godly life. The only way to keep going is to rely on God for His strength, wisdom and encouragement to keep going in our spiritual journey.

“Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” Psalm 119:11 Your inner strength comes from the word of God. The bible is the best guide for helping you overcome those challenges as you climb higher in your walk with the Lord. Staying in the word of God will keep your mind and heart focused in the right direction and condition you when met with temptations and life’s challenges that can make you want to give up. Stay in His word, stay prayed up and never give up as you walk towards Heaven’s home. Perfection waits those who overcome! God bless!

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