Tuesday, June 12, 2018

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. Proverbs 14:12

Do you remember as a kid having to take some nasty medicine and your mom tried to mask the taste with something sweet. Today, they make liquid medicine for kids with flavors they love, just so they’ll tolerate it. I’m up for some kid’s medicine myself…who wants to taste some nasty meds?

Lets take this topic to the real life of a Christian. Ever watch a tv show that has lifestyle behaviors that contradict God’s word? You might not even realize it because of the beautiful people on the program or their strong character that you are attracted to. All the while, they are displaying the purest form of sin and you are absorbing it in. Let’s not forget music. Whew, I’ve heard music with lyrics that would melt a preacher in the middle of winter, but its masked by the beat of the music.

So Dave, where ya going with this? Satan is a professional at masking sin and putting temptations of lust, greed, sexual sin and hate right in front of you, as you sit back and take it in without the realization of what’s happening. All that crusty scumbag has to do is get into your mind through your eyes or ears and he will entertain your heart with toxic things of this world.  

What you see and what you hear might seem good, but beware it could be toxic to your soul. Just like masking that nasty medicine, Satan can mask his bag of temptations in something that looks and feels good. Not everything that seems good is good. Stay prayed up and keep that Godly filter over your eyes and ears so you can block out what’s toxic to your soul. God bless~

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