Monday, June 18, 2018

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Ever feel like you are at the end of your rope some days? The pressures of life and the daily challenges push you back until you realize you are barely holding on. Friend, that’s where you’ll find God’s strength.

So often we start our day with determination to tackle everything by our own wisdom and strength. For the child of God, pride and self-reliance is outside God’s will for you. He knows that you are only capable of handling the challenges of life for a brief moment, then you tire and your defeated self is not able to live the life God has called you to live.

You are not defeated when you rely on God’s strength 24/7. The more space you give God in your life, the longer you can sustain those trying moments when bad news comes, when disappointment hits at the most unlikely time, when things are taken from you that you have embraced and made a part of your life. When you trust God to hold your troubles, your burden is light and you can go the distance.

Today, let God lead you, give you wisdom and be your reliance so you can run freely through the day. No problem or challenge is too big for God to handle. Let him take care of this day so you will find strength in your weakest moments. God bless

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