Friday, June 29, 2018

For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

A while back I was traveling and encountered some serious fog. I had my destination plugged into my navigation system, so I relied on it to get me there. At the time when visibility was low, I relied on that GPS to help me navigate the twist and turns of the road ahead. Thankfully I arrived without trouble, but without that navigation system, I’d most likely would have ran off the road.

Our spiritual journey is much like that GPS unit. As we navigate life, we must always trust in the Lord as He guides us through the twist and turns of our journey. There will be times when all you can do is look to the Lord to sustain you, guide you and give you encouragement to keep moving when your body and mind say stop or let’s get off this path. Trust me friend, God’s way is perfectly mapped out and He provides rest stop blessings along the way. You can never go wrong when you trust in the Lord.

Maybe your life seems a little foggy right now and unsure of which way to go. Pray to God for guidance and wisdom as you keep moving forward. I promise you He has a plan and wants you to plug into his navigation system to get you there by faith, not by sight. Trust Him today as you start your day’s journey! God bless!

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