Thursday, June 14, 2018

You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14

Lighthouses are fascinating to me. They are so tall and stand out along any shoreline. The main purpose is to provide light for boaters navigating at night and low visibility to shine on obstructions so ships wont crash.  Another purpose is to give sailors landmarks along their journey so they know where they are in relation to land.

As Christians, we are like lighthouses for those around us. The light of Christ should shine out from your life, giving those outside the faith a landmark of the characteristics of a Christian. Without you living your life for Christ those who are outside the faith would never see where they are going and realize they need that same light to help them navigate life.

Is your light shining brightly or do you have it hid in fear of ridicule? God never gave you a spirit of timidity. He has strength and power like no one else on earth, and His Holy Spirit resides inside every believer. So if you are a Christian, let your light shine brightly through your words, actions and beliefs. The world needs to see Christ, be a landmark for others so they wont crash into the ways of the world. Shine bright today! God bless!

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