Saturday, June 30, 2018

For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:15-16

To me, as a Christian, these are the most powerful verses in the entire bible. God himself knew our human frailties and that we could never live right enough for Him to look upon us. As He stepped down from Heaven, He placed himself in our shoes, living the daily life and its struggles…just like you and I go through. He didn’t come into this world like some king, someone we couldn’t relate to, no He came humbly. Even His birthplace was in a barn. No popularity, no riches, no huge celebration. His life was simple and most likely less blessed with the comforts of life like you have today.

Yet all through His life, He never sinned. Why? Because He had a mission to serve as mankind’s sacrifice and He knew was Heaven was like and all the comforts of His heavenly home. He loves you and me. He wants His entire creation to be with Him one day. Will you be there? You might not feel worthy of His free offer. No worries, because of His sacrificial death on the cross, you can come BODLY to His throne of grace, to find love, forgiveness and healing. No sin can disqualify you from His free gift of salvation. Believe in Jesus Christ and what He did for you, then live out your days serving Him in your words, actions and beliefs.

We have a God who knows our struggles and battles with sin. He knows our human weaknesses, HE created us, so He knows what we need. He provided us a savior. What will you provide Him in return? Come to Him with all your sin baggage and find that freedom to live again in Christ. God bless.

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