Saturday, June 23, 2018

This morning I woke up with these lyrics on my mind from “Fear Is A Liar” by Zach Williams. Take a moment and read the lyrics and watch the video. I’m pretty sure you’ve had times like this in your life. I know I have. Sleepless nights are the result living in fear.  I’m reminded of Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.  Friend, if you have some fears in your life, through a person, thing, health issue or other circumstance, GIVE IT TO GOD! He is bigger than any fear you have and He will never allow you to be moved! Trust Him today with all your fears, for fear is a liar! God bless!

When he told you you’re not good enough

When he told you you’re not right

When he told you you’re not strong enough

To put up a good fight

When he told you you’re not worthy

When he told you you’re not loved

When he told you you’re not beautiful

That you’ll never be enough

Fear he is a liar

He will take your breath

Stop you in your steps

Fear he is a liar

He will rob your rest

Steal your happiness

Cast your fear in the fire

Cause fear he is a liar

When he told you were troubled

You’ll forever be alone

When he told you you should run away

You’ll never find a home

When he told you you were dirty

And you should be ashamed

When he told you you could be the one

That grace could never change

Fear he is a liar

He will take your breath

Stop you in your steps

Fear he is a liar

He will rob your rest

Steal your happiness

Cast your fear in the fire

Cause fear he is a liar

Let Your fire fall and cast out all my fears

Let Your fire fall Your love is all I feel

Fear he is a liar

He will take your breath

Stop you in your steps

Fear he is a liar

He will rob your rest

Steal your happiness

Cast your fear in the fire

Cause fear he is a liar

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